- A vassal of the Shogun (眤近侍) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Abe-no-Seimei (安倍晴明) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Acolyte (所化) from The Go Game Strategy
- Akoya (遊君阿古屋) from The Battle of Dannoura
- Akoya (阿古屋) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Akuemon (石川悪右衛門) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Akuemon's followers (組子) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Amakasu (甘糟) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Amanjaku (あまんじゃく) from Urikohime and Amanjaku
- An Taijin (安大人) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Anchin, in fact Crown Prince Sakuragi (白川の安珍実は桜木親王) from The Cherry Trees Along the Hidaka River
- Anewa (阿根輪平治) from Kumagai at the Fan Shop
- Anju (安寿姫) from The Cruel Employer
- Anju (安寿姫) from Sansho Dayu
- Aoi-Gozen, Yoshikata's wife (葵御前) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Aosaginoshin (青鷺之進) from The Story of Monsters
- Aoyama (青山軍次 ) from Kumagai at the Fan Shop
- Apprentice (丁稚 ) from The Greengrocer's Tragedy
- Apprentice (丁稚) from The Faithful Wife
- Apprentice (丁稚) from The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa
- Apprentice (迎いの丁稚) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Apprentice priest (弟子僧) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Apprentice priest (弟子僧) from The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren
- Apprentice priest (弟子僧) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Arakawa, a vassal of the Shogun (眤近侍荒川) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Aratae (老女荒妙) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Ariemon Mihara (三原有右衛門) from The Two Butterflies
- Ario (有王丸) from The Priest in Exile
- Aritsune (紀有常) from The Tales of Ise
- Asagao, in fact Miyuki (朝顔実は深雪) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Asahina (朝比奈三郎義秀) from The Pine Tree on the River Bank
- Asaka (浅香姫) from The Rat's Romance
- Asaka (乳母浅香) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Asakahime (浅香姫) from The Crossroads of Gappo
- Asojiro Miyagi, later known as Jirozaemon Komazawa (宮城阿曾次郎後に駒澤次郎左衛門) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Assistant Priest Unya (雲弥坊) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Assistant carpenter (手伝い) from The Loyal Samurai
- Assistant priests (下官) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Asuka (乳母飛鳥) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Atsumori (無官大夫敦盛) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Atsumori in the distance (遠見の敦盛) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Atsumori, in fact Kojiro (敦盛実は熊谷小次郎直家) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Attendant (供の男) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Attendants to a lord (捕手) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Ayame (菖蒲前 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Azuma (藤屋吾妻) from The Two Butterflies
- Azumano Yoshiro (吾妻与四郎) from The Happy-Go-Lucky Palanquin Bearers
- Azumaya (俊寛妻あづまや) from The Priest in Exile
- Azumibo (安曇坊) from The Enticed High Priest
- Bachushi (農夫馬忠子) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Baggage transport manager (宰領) from The Courier for Hell
- Baian (医者梅庵) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Bairyu (赤松梅龍) from The Ancient Calendar
- Ballad book peddler (祭文売り(門つけ)) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Ballad book seller (祭文売り(ながしの祭文)) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Bamba-no-Chuta (番場忠太) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Bamboo peddler (鞍馬の竹売り) from Sasayaki no take
- Bannai (鷺坂伴内) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Bannojo (川側伴之丞) from Gonza the Lancer
- Banzaemon Inami (井浪伴左衛門) from A Supplement to Chushingura
- Barrier guards (番卒) from The Subscription List
- Bean curd buyer (豆腐買 (豆腐の御用)) from The Teachings for Women
- Bean curd peddler (豆腐売) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Beaters (勢子) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Beautiful woman (美女) from Fishing for Wives
- Beggar (節季候) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Benkei (武蔵坊弁慶) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Benkei (武蔵坊弁慶) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Benkei (武蔵坊弁慶) from The Subscription List
- Benkei (武蔵坊弁慶) from The Cherry Trees of the Imperial Palace
- Benzaiten (弁財天) from The Seven Gods of Fortune
- Bishamon (毘沙門) from The Seven Gods of Fortune
- Blind Katsuyori (盲勝頼) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Blind man (めくら/盲人半之丞) from The Three Oddities
- Boatman (船頭) from The Priest in Exile
- Boatman (船人) from Monkey
- Boatman (渡し守 (船頭)) from The Cherry Trees Along the Hidaka River
- Boatman (船頭) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Boatman (船頭) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Boatman (船頭) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Boatman (船頭) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Boatman at Akashi (明石の船頭) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Boatman at Ujigawa (宇治川の船頭) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Boatmen (船頭) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Boatmen (船頭) from The Murder in Revenge
- Bonta (ぼん太) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Botaro (民谷坊太郎) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Bottle gourd (夕顔) from The Vegetable Farm
- Boy (里の童) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Bozuko (坊主子) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Brothel Supervisor (天王寺屋花車) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Brothel owner (女郎屋亭主) from The Story of Kasane
- Brothel owner (花扇屋亭主) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Brothel supervisor (花車) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Buddha (釈迦如来) from Monkey
- Buddhist devotee (庚申参り) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Buddhist devotee (興福寺衆徒) from The Teachings for Women
- Buddhist devotee (同行衆) from The Two Butterflies
- Buddhist devotees (講中) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Buddhist priest (和尚) from The Shank's Mare along the Tokaido Highway
- Buddhist priest (逮夜坊主) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Buemon Takaichi (高市武右衛門) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Buhei (武兵衛 (釜屋武兵衛 )) from The Red-Hot Love of the Greengrocer's Daughter
- Bun-o (西伯文王) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Bungo (大鷲文吾) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Bunji (善知鳥文治安方) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Bunroku (伜文六) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Bunzo (真田文蔵国安) from Kajiwara The Swordsman
- Busuke (石留武助) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Busuke (悪者武助) from The Murder in Revenge
- Buzenbo (天狗豊前坊) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Byakuranni (白蘭尼) from The Hunter and the Female Fox
- Calf (小牛) from Sasayaki no take
- Carpenters (大工) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Chidori (腰元千鳥) from The Rat's Romance
- Chidori (蜑千鳥) from The Priest in Exile
- Chidori, later known as Umegae (腰元千鳥後に傾城梅ヶ枝(傾城梅ヶ枝)) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Chief adviser to the Emperor (関白) from Sasayaki no take
- Chief constable (捕手の小頭) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Chief constable (捕手小頭) from The Amorous Courier
- Chief constable (捕手頭) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Chief cormorant (鵜の尉) from The Grateful Cormorant
- Chief of a police squad (捕手小頭) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Chief priest (方丈) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Chief priest of the Atsuta shrine (熱田大宮司) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Chief priest of the Kiyomizu Temple (清水寺住職) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Chienai, in fact Kisanta (奴智恵内実は吉岡鬼三太) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Chigusa, a maid (腰元千種) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Chikara (荒島主税 ) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Child (子供) from Madame Butterfly
- Child (子供) from Omon Toda
- Child lion (子獅子) from The Lion Dance
- Children (里の子) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Children (寺子(手習子)) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Children (里の童) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Chinkozui (陳光蕊) from Monkey
- Chinkozui, in fact Ryuko (陳光蕊 実は 劉洪) from Monkey
- Chinnen (小坊主珍念) from The Rat's Romance
- Chinsai (茶道珍才) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Chisato, in fact Kikuhime (千里実は大友菊姫) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Chitose (千歳前) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Chiyo, Matsuomaru's wife (女房千代) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Choemon (帯屋長右衛門) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Chogohachi, later known as Chohakkai (猪悟八後に猪八戒) from Monkey
- Chogoro Nuregami (濡髪長五郎) from The Two Butterflies
- Chogoro's mother (長五郎母(十次兵衛母)) from The Two Butterflies
- Chohachi (油絞り長八 ) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Chohakkai (猪八戒) from Monkey
- Chokichi (丁稚長吉) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Chokichi (丁稚長吉) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Chokichi Hanaregoma (放駒長吉) from The Two Butterflies
- Choko (蝶子) from The Disinherited Son
- Chomatsu, an apprentice (丁稚長松 ) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Chosaku (印伝屋長作) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Chota (海士長太) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Chota (丁稚長太) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Chota's wife (長太女房) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Choyama, a courtesan (傾城蝶山) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Chozaemon (清水長左衛門) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Chozo (馬方寝言の長蔵 ) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Chozo, an apprentice (丁稚長蔵 ) from The Love Suicides at Sonezaki
- Chozo, in fact Miuranosuke (塩売長蔵実は三浦之助義村) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Chubei (亀屋忠兵衛) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Chubei (亀屋忠兵衛) from The Courier for Hell
- Chubei (亀屋忠兵衛) from The Amorous Courier
- Chubei (手代忠兵衛) from The Faithful Wife
- Chuchu Gonnokami (若殿忠冑権の頭) from The Rat's Romance
- Chuji Kawashima (川嶋忠治) from The Gion Festival
- Chujiro (重手代忠二郎) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Chujohime (中将姫) from The Pines on Mount Hibari
- Chunagon Takafusa (中納言高房) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Chushichi (Tadashichi), a jester (太鼓持忠七) from The Murder in Revenge
- Chuta (番場忠太) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Chuta, a Heike warrior (塩見忠太) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Chutabei (岩木忠太兵衛) from Gonza the Lancer
- Chuzaburo's wife (Chuza's wife) (忠三女房) from The Amorous Courier
- Chuzaburo's wife (Chuza's wife) (忠三女房) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Chuzaemon, Chief retainer (老家老忠左衛門) from The Feudal Lord in Asama
- Clerk (紺屋の手代) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Cloth dealer (掛乞布屋) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Comorants (鵜の鳥) from The Grateful Cormorant
- Constables (捕手) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Constables (捕手) from The Teachings for Women
- Constables (捕手) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Constables (捕手) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Constables (捕手) from The Amorous Courier
- Constables (捕手) from Akogi Bay in Ise Province
- Constables (捕手) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Constables in colorful uniform (花四天) from The Teachings for Women
- Cook (料理人) from The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa
- Cook (飯焚き女) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Country girl (在所娘) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Courier (飛脚) from Omon Toda
- Courier (飛脚) from The Fiftieth Death Anniversary
- Courier (飛脚) from The Go Game Strategy
- Courier (飛脚屋) from The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa
- Court Lady (内侍の局) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Court ladies (女官) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Court noble (右大弁) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Courtesan (遊女) from The Love Suicides at Sonezaki
- Courtesan (女郎) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Courtesan (遊女) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Courtesan (傍輩女郎) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Courtesan (遊女) from The Feudal Lord in Asama
- Courtesan (相方女郎) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Courtesan Chiyotose (傾城(遊女)千代歳) from The Courier for Hell
- Courtesan Narutose (傾城(遊女)鳴渡瀬) from The Courier for Hell
- Courtesan Umegawa (傾城(遊女)梅川) from The Courier for Hell
- Crier (呼遣い) from The Sumo Wrestler's Banner
- Criminal (罪人) from Kajiwara The Swordsman
- Cripple (いざり/いざり太郎助) from The Three Oddities
- Crow (烏天狗) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Crown Prince Sakuragi (桜木親王) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Daigaku Tomokata (友方大学) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Daikokuten (大黒天) from The Seven Gods of Fortune
- Dainaiki (誉田大内記) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Dainoshin Inokuma (猪熊大之進) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Dairoku (矢田の大六 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Daishichi (志賀台七) from The Shiraishi Story
- Daizen (松永大膳) from The Gion Festival
- Daizen Akizuki (秋月大膳) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Dakki, in fact a fox (妲妃,玉藻前実は妖狐) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Dampachi (木綿買実は荏柄段八) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Dampachi (手代段八) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Dampei (市原団平) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Dancer (踊り子) from Gonza the Lancer
- Dancer (踊り子) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Danemon (門弟団右衛門) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Danjo Tadamasa Koshina (越名弾正) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Danjo Tokitsuna Kosaka (高坂弾正) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Danjo, Iwafuji's uncle (伯父弾正) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Dankuro (団九郎) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Danshichi (団七九郎兵衛) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Daughter (娘) from Hatsuse mode
- Dead man (亡者) from Monkey
- Deaf-mute (おし/唖おまき) from The Three Oddities
- Dembei (大和屋伝兵衛) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Dembei (井筒屋伝兵衛) from Oshun and Dembei
- Dempachi (番頭伝八) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Dempachi, a broker (熊手の伝八) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Dengababa (伝が婆) from The Amorous Courier
- Dengababa (伝が婆) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Dengoemon (轟伝五右衛門) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Denkai (伝界坊) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Denkai (伝界坊) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Denkichi, a servant (下男伝吉) from The Ancient Calendar
- Denkuro (手代伝九郎) from The Faithful Wife
- Densuke (料理人伝介) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Denzo Mihara (三原伝蔵) from The Two Butterflies
- Divine child (神童) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Doan (道庵) from The Amorous Courier
- Doan (針立の道庵) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Dohachi (山蛭洞八) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Dojo (豆蔵どぜう (手品師豆造ことどじょう)) from The Shiraishi Story
- Dojun (岐阜屋道順) from The Ancient Calendar
- Donketsu (手下どん穴) from Monkey
- Dosan Saito (斎藤道三) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Dozaemon (土左衛門) from The Teachings for Women
- Dragon (龍) from The Dragon and the Tiger
- Drug peddler, in fact Kagemasa (薬売り実は鎌倉権五郎) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Dumpling peddler (団子売) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Ebisu (恵比須) from The Seven Gods of Fortune
- Eda (江田判官景連) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Eizaburo (大文字屋栄三郎) from The Faithful Wife
- Eizaburo's mother (Myosan) (母妙三) from The Faithful Wife
- Ekei (安徳寺恵瓊) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Emiji (Emishi) (蘇我蝦夷子) from The Teachings for Women
- Emperor Chu (殷の紂王 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Emperor Goshirakawa (後白河天皇) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Emperor Shisoretsu (大明皇帝) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Emperor Taiso (太宗皇帝) from Monkey
- Emperor Tenji (天智帝) from The Teachings for Women
- Empress Bifuku (美福門院 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Enami, a warrior (榎並一学) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Enju (母延寿) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Fake customer (からぞめき) from The Loyal Samurai
- False Hanagaki Gonnokami (贋の花垣権頭) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- False messenger (贋迎い) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Farmer (下向の衆) from The Gion Festival
- Farmer (百姓) from The Vegetable Farm
- Farmer (おやじ) from The Red Battle Surcoat
- Farmer's wife (女房) from The Red Battle Surcoat
- Farmers (百姓) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Farmers (百姓) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Farmers (百姓) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Farmers (百姓) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Farmers (百姓) from The Stuttering Painter
- Father (親父) from The Shank's Mare along the Tokaido Highway
- Father sparrow (親雀) from The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
- Female lion (雌獅子) from The Lion Dance
- Female pawner (質入女房 (質置嬶)) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Female pedestrian (通行の女) from Sasayaki no take
- Female traveler (旅の女) from The Fiftieth Death Anniversary
- Feudal lord (大名) from The Story of Matsukaza and Murasame
- Feudal lords (大名) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Firewood gatherer (woodcutter) (柴刈男) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- First messenger (注進) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Fisherman (海士) from The Dances of the Four Seasons
- Fisherwoman (海女) from The Dances of the Four Seasons
- Flower Girl (花売娘) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Flower peddler (花売女) from Monkey
- Flower peddler, in fact Hakuren (花売女 実は 白蓮) from Monkey
- Former Emperor Goshirkawa (後白河法皇) from The Priest in Exile
- Former Emperor Shirakawa (白河法皇) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Fortune teller (辻法印) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Fortune teller (山伏法印) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Fortune teller's wife (法印女房) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Fox-Kuzunoha (女房葛の葉) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Friend of Fuyo's (芙蓉の友達) from Monkey
- Fudematsu (伜筆松) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Fugitive Warrior (落武者) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Fuji-no-tsubone (藤の局(藤の方)) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Fujimaki (妻藤巻) from The Pine Tree on the River Bank
- Fujino, a maid servant (腰元藤野) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Fukashichi, in fact Goro Kanawa (鱶七 実は 金輪五郎) from The Teachings for Women
- Fukunoichi (福の市) from The Three Blind Masseurs
- Fukurokuju (福禄寿) from The Seven Gods of Fortune
- Fumei-choja (普明長者) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Fuyo, in fact Ginkaku (娘芙蓉実は銀角) from Monkey
- Gaikotsu, later known as Sagojo (骸骨後に沙悟浄) from Monkey
- Gambei (兄眼兵衛) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Gampachi (蛇の目の眼八) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Gappo (合邦道心 (親合邦)) from The Crossroads of Gappo
- Gappo's wife (合邦女房) from The Crossroads of Gappo
- Geisha (芸者) from Madame Butterfly
- Gemba (宮越玄蕃) from The Teachings for Women
- Gemba (春藤玄蕃) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Gemba (大館玄蕃) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Gemba (飯盛玄番) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Gemba Marikawa (鞠川玄蕃) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Gemba Yamaoka (山岡玄蕃之允) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Gen-emon (宮地源右衛門) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Genemon (大阪屋源右衛門) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Gengo (星坂源吾) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Genjo, later known as Sanzohoshi (玄奘後に三蔵法師) from Monkey
- Gennosuke (源之介) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Gennosuke (弟源之助) from The Murder in Revenge
- Genshichi, in fact Tokiyuki (煙草屋源七実は坂田蔵人時行) from The Pregnant Mountain Ogress (Heroine)
- Genta Kajiwara (梶原源太景季) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Gentazaemon (森口源太左衛門) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Genza (源左 ) from The Hunter and the Female Fox
- Genza's mother (源左の母 ) from The Hunter and the Female Fox
- Genzo (武部源蔵 ) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Geta-no-Ichi (下駄の市) from The Two Butterflies
- Ghost of Shoi (少尉の亡霊) from Hatsuse mode
- Ghost of Tameyoshi (六条判官為義の霊) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Ghost of Yorinaga (左大臣頼長の霊) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Ghost of retired Emperor Sutoku (崇徳上皇の霊) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Ghouls (つづらの妖怪) from The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
- Gihei (天河屋義平) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Gihei (弟儀兵衛) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Gihei Kadowaki, a highway robber (門脇儀平) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Giheiji (三河屋義平次) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Gimpachi (仲仕銀八) from The Inauspicious Sword
- Gimpei, in fact Tomomori (渡海屋銀平実は中納言知盛) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Girl (女の子) from Hatsuse mode
- Girl (里の娘) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Girl attendant to Miyagino (禿しげり) from The Shiraishi Story
- Girl attendant to a courtesan (禿) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Girl attendant to a courtesan (禿) from The Happy-Go-Lucky Palanquin Bearers
- Girl attendant to a courtesan (禿) from The Courier for Hell
- Girl attendant to a courtesan (禿) from Two Girl Attendants to a Courtesan
- Girl washing clothes (衣洗いの娘) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Go Sankei (司馬将軍呉三桂) from The Battle of Coxinga
- God of Mountain (山神) from The Maple Viewing Party
- God of thunder, the (雷) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Goddess of Mercy (観世音) from The Miracle at the Tsubosaka Kannon Temple
- Goemon (原郷右衛門) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Goemon (宇佐見五右衛門) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Gohei (親五兵衛) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Gojogun Kanki (五常軍甘輝) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Gompachi (番頭権八) from The Faithful Wife
- Gondayu (権太夫) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Gonroku (杣の権六) from Urikohime and Amanjaku
- Gonroku, a carter (車遣い権六) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Gonshichi (悪者権七) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Gonshiro (船頭権四郎) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Gonsuke (権助) from Stone Flower
- Gonta (いがみの権太) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Gonza (笹野権三) from Gonza the Lancer
- Gonzaemon Hiraoka (平岡郷左衛門) from The Two Butterflies
- Goro (成田五郎) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Goro (相模五郎) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Goro (仲人業五郎) from Madame Butterfly
- Gorokuro (帳紙屋五郎九郎) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Gorosuke's wife (五郎助女房) from The Young Cherry Tree
- Gorosuke, in fact Kiyotada Kato (鍛冶屋五郎助実は加藤清忠) from The Young Cherry Tree
- Gosaku (亭主五作) from The Tales of Ise
- Gosubei (五州兵衛) from The Teachings for Women
- Gosuke, brothel owner (くつわの亭主五助) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Governess (乳母) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Government official (役人) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Government official (役人) from The Ancient Calendar
- Gozaemon (舅五左衛門) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Gozaemon (舅五左衛門) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Grandfather (ぢっさ) from Urikohime and Amanjaku
- Grandmother (ばっさ) from Urikohime and Amanjaku
- Green Ogre (青鬼) from Monkey
- Green ogre (青鬼) from Mt. Oeyama
- Green ogre (青鬼) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Ground spider, in fact Ibarakidoji (土蜘蛛実は茨木童子) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Ground spider, in fact Kidomaru (土蜘蛛実は鬼童丸) from Mt. Oeyama
- Guard (警固の役人) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Gumpei, in fact Masakiyo (十河軍平実は加藤正清) from The Gion Festival
- Gunji (堤軍次) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Gunki (笠原軍記) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Gunnai (土屋軍内) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Gunnai Yokosuka (横須賀軍内) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Gunpachi, a retainer of Takumi (大坪軍八) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Gunroku (笠原軍六) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Gunta Iiyama (飯山軍太) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Gunzo, Munemasa's retainer (軍蔵) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Gyumao (牛魔王) from Monkey
- Hachiemon (八右衛門) from The Amorous Courier
- Hachiemon (八右衛門) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Hachiemon (丹波屋八右衛門) from The Courier for Hell
- Hachiemon's messangers (八右衛門の使) from The Courier for Hell
- Hachiro (篠塚八郎重虎) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Hachiro (鷺森八郎) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Hachiro Kataoka (片岡八郎) from The Subscription List
- Hachirobei (古手屋八郎兵衛) from The Inauspicious Sword
- Hachisuke (日傭の八助) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Hachiya (小栗八弥) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Hachizo's mother (八蔵の母) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Hachizo, a pack horse driver (馬方八蔵) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Haginokata (萩の方) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Haito (郎党棚さがしの隼人) from The Rat's Romance
- Hakibeii (Hakubei), a servant (奴掃兵衛) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Hakuren (女房白蓮) from Monkey
- Hamayu (妻浜夕) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Hambei (舅半兵衛) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Hambei (八百屋半兵衛) from The Greengrocer's Tragedy
- Hambei (八百屋半兵衛) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Hambei's wife (半兵衛女房) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Hanabishiya's proprietor (花菱屋長) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Hanagaki Gonnokami (花垣権頭) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Hanamasu (花ます) from The Enticed High Priest
- Hananoi (妻花の井) from The Cherry Trees of the Imperial Palace
- Hanasode, a courtesan (花袖太夫) from The Feudal Lord in Asama
- Hanatachibana (傾城花橘) from The Gion Festival
- Hangaku, Yoichi's wife (妻板額) from The Herculean Woman
- Hangan (塩谷判官) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Hanjogozen (班女御前) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Hanroku (小半の親方) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Hansai (親繁斎) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Hanshichi (茜屋半七) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Hanshichi (手代半七) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Hanshichi's aunt (半七の叔母) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Hanshichi's mother (半七の母) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Hanzawa (榛沢六郎) from The Battle of Dannoura
- Hanzo Abusaka (浪人虻坂半蔵) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Haru, Umeomaru's wife (女房春) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Harue, a maid servant (腰元春枝) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Harunaga (尾田春長) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Harunobu Oda (尾田春信) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Harutaka Oda (尾田春孝) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Hashidate (妻橋立) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Hatsuemon (八柴初右衛門) from The Murder in Revenge
- Hatsugiku (嫁初菊) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Hatsuhana, later Lady Tamamo (初花姫後に玉藻前) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Hatsushimo (初霜姫) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Hayakawa, a warrior (早川兎毛) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Hayase (妻早瀬) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Hayase, a maid (腰元早瀬) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Hayashi (乳母林) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Hayata Nagai (永井早太) from The Young Cherry Tree
- Hayato (関口隼人) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Hayatonosuke (飯原隼人之助) from The Pine Tree on the River Bank
- Hazakura, a maid (腰元葉桜) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Hazue (奥方葉末) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Head of police unit (捕手頭) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Heida Egara (荏柄平太) from The Herculean Woman
- Heiemon (寺岡平右衛門) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Heiemon (島田平右衛門) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Heiji (阿漕の平治) from Akogi Bay in Ise Province
- Heiji Kajiwara (梶原平次景高) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Heiji's mother (平治母) from Akogi Bay in Ise Province
- Heima (鷲塚平馬) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Heima (乾平馬) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Heima (壺井平馬) from The Crossroads of Gappo
- Heinai Iwabuchi (浪人岩淵平内) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Heinai Yokota (横田兵内) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Heinai, Munemasa's retainer (横田平内) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Heisaku (親平作 (雲助平作)) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Heisaku, a servant (仕丁平作) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Heitaro (横曽根平太郎) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Heitaro's mother (平太郎の母) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Heizo (刎川兵蔵) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Helmeted warrior (鎧武者) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Hichukan (飛仲官) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Highway robber (山賊) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Highway robber (悪者) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Hikokuro (小倉彦九郎) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Hikoroku (手代彦六) from Tragedy on a Snowy Night
- Hikosaku (庄屋彦作) from Akogi Bay in Ise Province
- Hikosuke (郎党俵くじりの彦助) from The Rat's Romance
- Hillbilly (山男) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Hinadori (雛鳥) from The Teachings for Women
- Hinagiku (ひなぎく) from Stone Flower
- Hinaginu (娘雛絹) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Hirayama (平山武者所) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Hiromori (播磨大掾広盛) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Hirotsugu (大貮広嗣) from The Pines on Mount Hibari
- Hisamatsu (丁稚久松) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Hisamatsu (丁稚久松) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Hisayoshi (真柴久吉(旅僧実は)) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Hisayoshi (真柴久吉) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Hitachibo (常陸坊 (常陸坊海尊)) from The Subscription List
- Hokaibo, in fact Tengu (山伏法界坊実は天狗) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Honzo (加古川本蔵) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Honzo Kakogawa (加古川本蔵) from A Supplement to Chushingura
- Hooded woman (かつぎをかぶった女) from Sasayaki no take
- Horse drivers (馬方) from The Courier for Hell
- Hosho Hirai (平井保昌) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Hotei (布袋) from The Seven Gods of Fortune
- Housewife (茜屋の内儀(女房)) from The Loyal Samurai
- Housewife (里の女房 ) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Housewife in the neighborhood (おばはん) from Ohan
- Hyobu Itagaki (板垣兵部) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Hyoe (飯原兵衛) from The Pine Tree on the River Bank
- Hyoe (園部兵衛) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Hyoe (土師兵衛) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Hyogo (代官奥村兵庫) from Akogi Bay in Ise Province
- Hyogonosuke (由良兵庫助信忠 ) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Hyosuke (寺子屋兵助) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Hyosuke's mother (母お幸) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Ichimatsu (伜市松) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Ichimisai (吉岡一味斎) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Ichinoshin (浅香市之進) from Gonza the Lancer
- Ichiwaka (市若丸 ) from The Herculean Woman
- Ichiya, girl attendant to a courtesan (禿市弥) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Iemon (八百屋伊右衛門) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Iemon's wife (伊右衛門女房 (半兵衛母, 八百屋の母)) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Iganokami (幸崎伊賀守) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Iganokami's wife (幸崎の奥方) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Ihei (手代伊兵衛) from The Courier for Hell
- Ihei, a servant (若党伊兵衛) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Iheita (若党伊平太) from The Murder in Revenge
- Ikomanosuke (志賀崎生駒之助) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Ikumatsu (弟幾松) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Ikuyo, a dancing girl (舞子いく世) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Imperial Court messanger (禁庭の使) from The Teachings for Women
- Imperial messenger (山蔭中納言) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Inagawa (猪名川) from The Sumo Wrestler's Banner
- Inkaizan, in fact Chinkozui (殷開山 実は 陳光蕊) from Monkey
- Innkeeper (宿屋亭主) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Ino (猪乃) from The Grateful Cormorant
- Inubuchi (犬淵源蔵) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Irie, Koshina's wife (越名妻入江) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Irihei, a servant (奴入平) from The Crossroads of Gappo
- Iruka (蘇我入鹿) from The Teachings for Women
- Ise (伊勢三郎) from The Subscription List
- Ishido (石堂右馬丞) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Ishidomaru (石動丸) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Ishun (大経師以春) from The Ancient Calendar
- Ishun (主人以春) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Isohagi (磯萩) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Isonojo (玉島磯之丞 (清七実は磯之丞)) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Isuke (前原伊助) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Itachigawa, a sumo werestler (いたち川) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Itotaki (娘糸滝) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Iwachiyo (広盛一子岩千代丸) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Iwafuji, chief lady-in-waiting (局岩藤) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Iwaji (徳島岩次) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Iwami, a swordsmith (刀屋石見) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Iwanaga (岩永左衛門) from The Battle of Dannoura
- Iwate (老女岩手) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Iyaishi (弥石) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Iyawaka (弥若) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Izaemon (伊左衛門) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Izaemon (藤屋伊左衛門) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Izutsu (井筒姫) from The Tales of Ise
- Jagatara-no-gon (手下じゃがたらの権) from Monkey
- Janitors (仕丁) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Jester (太鼓持) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Jester Gohei (太鼓持五兵衛) from The Courier for Hell
- Jibu (岩倉治部大輔) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Jibuemon Hashimoto (橋本治部右衛門) from The Two Butterflies
- Jihei (紙屋治兵衛) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Jihei (紙屋治兵衛) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Jihizo, in fact Yamashironosuke (慈悲蔵 実は 直江山城之助) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Jiju (乳人侍従) from The Gion Festival
- Jimbei (岩木甚平 ) from Gonza the Lancer
- Jimbei (駕籠舁甚兵衛) from The Two Butterflies
- Jingoro (伽羅屋甚五郎) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Jinnai (国侍甚内) from The Courier for Hell
- Jinnai, a servant (奴甚内) from Gonza the Lancer
- Jinroku Hikosaka (彦坂甚六) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Jintahei, a servant (仕丁甚太平) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Jiro (江戸の二郎) from Sansho Dayu
- Jiro Suruga (駿河次郎) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Jiroemon Shundo (春藤次郎右衛門) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Jirokichi (次郎吉) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Jiromaru (高安次郎丸) from The Crossroads of Gappo
- Jirosaku (浪花次郎作) from The Happy-Go-Lucky Palanquin Bearers
- Jirosaku, Village headman (庄屋治郎作) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Jirosaku, a pack horse driver (馬方治郎作) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Jirosaku, in fact Takatsuna (二郎作実は佐々木高綱) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Jiroshichi, a begger (かさの次郎七) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Jirozo (平瓦治郎蔵) from Akogi Bay in Ise Province
- Jisuke (岩井風呂治助) from Danshichi the Homeless
- Jitsunai (奴実内) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Joetsu (宇治常悦) from The Shiraishi Story
- Jogoro Sawai (沢井城五郎) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Johachi (番頭丈八) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Jubei (てんぽの十兵衛) from The Inauspicious Sword
- Jubei (呉服屋十兵衛 (重兵衛)) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Juji (三上十次) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Jujibei Nampo (南方十次兵衛) from The Two Butterflies
- Jujiro (武智十次郎) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Junior courtesan (小女郎) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Junior employee (丁稚) from The Two Butterflies
- Junzo Asai (浅井順蔵) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Juro (榛谷十郎) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Jurobei (阿波十郎兵衛) from The Infant Pilgrim
- Jurojin (寿老人) from The Seven Gods of Fortune
- Jussaku (猟師十作 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Jussaku, a farmer (百姓十作) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Juta (鹿瀬十太) from The Cherry Trees Along the Hidaka River
- Jutaro (矢間十太郎) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Jutaro Yazama (矢間重太郎) from The Loyal Samurai
- Juzo (十蔵) from The Greengrocer's Tragedy
- Juzo (伊庭十蔵) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Juzo, Naiki's Retainer (門弟十蔵) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Kaede (腰元かえで) from The Herculean Woman
- Kaede, a lady-in-waiting (腰元楓) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Kaede, a maid (腰元楓) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Kagaribi (妻篝火) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Kagaribi (妻篝火) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Kagekatsu Nagao (長尾景勝) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Kagekiyo (悪七兵衛景清) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Kagekiyo (悪七兵衛景清) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Kagenari (鎌倉権守景成) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Kagesue (梶原源太) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Kagetoki (梶原景時) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Kagetoki Kajiwara (梶原景時) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Kagetoki Kajiwara (梶原平三景時) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Kageyu Kaita (Kaida) (貝田勘解由) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Kaheiji (茶碗屋嘉平次) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Kaheiji's elder sister (嘉平次姉) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Kajiwara (梶原平三景時) from Kajiwara The Swordsman
- Kajiwara (梶原平次景高) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Kajuro (嘉十郎) from The Greengrocer's Tragedy
- Kakizaki (柿崎) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Kakubei (狸の角兵衛) from A Chushingura's Subplot
- Kakubei (狸の角兵衛) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Kakuhan, in fact Noritsune (横川禅師覚範実は能登守(平)教経) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Kakuju (伯母覚寿) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Kakunai, a servant (奴角内) from The Pines on Mount Hibari
- Kakunai, a servant (奴角内) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Kakusuke, a servant (奴角助) from Gonza the Lancer
- Kakusuke, a servant (奴角助) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Kakuzo (中間角蔵) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Kamada (Kamata) Haito (鎌田隼人) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Kamagoro (鎌五郎) from The Dancing Mushrooms
- Kamaitachi (かまいたち) from The Story of Monsters
- Kamaitachi's retainer (いたちの家来) from The Story of Monsters
- Kamatari (藤原鎌足) from The Teachings for Women
- Kamazo, in fact Kazusanosuke (鍋かけの釜蔵実は上総之助 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Kambei (亭主勘兵衛) from Tragedy on a Snowy Night
- Kame (亀) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Kamegiku (Oyana, infact Kamegiku) (おやな実は傾城亀菊 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Kamekichi (才造亀吉) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Kamitaki (乳母上瀧) from Sansho Dayu
- Kamon, a maid (腰元歌門) from The Pregnant Mountain Ogress (Heroine)
- Kampachi, a carter (車遣い勘八) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Kampei (早野勘平) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Kampei (家来貫平) from The Shiraishi Story
- Kanai (奴可内) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Kanai (奴可内) from A Supplement to Chushingura
- Kaneaki (大納言兼秋) from The Teachings for Women
- Kankuro (観九郎 (金貸勘九郎)) from The Shiraishi Story
- Kanroku (油絞り(だはの)勘六) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Kanroku, a soldier (珍分勘六) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Kansaku (鵜飼い勘作) from The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren
- Kansaku's mother (勘作母) from The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren
- Kanshusai (菅秀才) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Kansuke (山本勘助) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Kansuke (山本勘介) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Kansuke's widow (Kansuke II's mother, Koshiji) (勘助の母 (母越路)) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Kanta (悪者勘太) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Kanta (勘太) from The Gion Festival
- Kantaro (伜勘太郎) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Kantaro (伜勘太郎) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Kanzaemon (横淵官左衛門) from Oshun and Dembei
- Kanzo (仲買勘蔵) from Oshun and Dembei
- Kanzo, Gentazaemon's retainer (門弟官蔵 (勘蔵)) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Kaoyo (顔世御前) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Karaginu (女房唐衣) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Karaito (惣太女房から糸) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Karaori, Kosaka (Takasaka)'s wife (高坂妻唐織) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Kariya (苅屋姫 ) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Kasane (累) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Kasane (累) from The Story of Kasane
- Kashiroku, a woodcutter (杣樫六) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Kataoka (片岡造酒頭) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Kate (夫人ケート) from Madame Butterfly
- Katota (嘉藤太) from The Pines on Mount Hibari
- Katsuie Shibata (柴田勝家) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Katsuno, a dancing girl (舞子かつの) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Katsuno, a maid (腰元勝野) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Katsura (桂姫) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Katsuragi (葛城前) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Katsurako (娘桂子 ) from Kumagai at the Fan Shop
- Kawachinosuke (河内介) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Kawasho proprietor (河庄亭主) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Kawasho proprietor (河庄亭主) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Kawataro (川太郎) from The Story of Monsters
- Kawauso (かわうそ) from The Story of Monsters
- Kazuenosuke Kato (加藤主計之介清郷) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Kazuma, Naiki's Retainer (門弟数馬) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Keian Tachibana (立花桂庵) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Keijuin (慶寿院) from The Gion Festival
- Keikaku (慶覚君) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Keimasa, a blind masseur (座頭慶政 (座頭慶政実は伊達与八郎)) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Kenketsu (僧献穴) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Kenshin Nagao (長尾謙信) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Kichibei (輪抜吉兵衛) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Kichisaburo (小姓吉三郎) from The Red-Hot Love of the Greengrocer's Daughter
- Kihachi (弟子喜八) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Kihachi (下男喜八) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Kiheiji (八町礫紀平治太夫) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Kiichi (吉岡鬼一法眼) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Kijiro (吉岡鬼次郎) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Kikuno (桜風呂の菊野) from The Murder in Revenge
- Kikuno, a street girl (惣嫁(辻君)菊野) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Kikunomae (菊の前) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Kikuo (童菊王) from The Priest in Exile
- Kikyo (腰元桔梗) from The Teachings for Women
- Kimpachi (朋輩芸者金八) from The Disinherited Son
- Kinai Yazama (矢間喜内) from The Loyal Samurai
- Kinai's wife (喜内女房 ) from The Loyal Samurai
- Kinemon Okamura, in fact Genzo (岡村金右衛門(実は 紀州の源蔵)) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Kinezo (団子売杵造) from The Dumpling Peddlers
- Kinezo (団子売杵造) from The Celebration of Housing Starts
- Kinezo, a dumpling peddler (団子売杵造) from The Vendetta in Iga
- King Hanzoku (班足王 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- King of Hell (閻魔大王) from Monkey
- Kingoro (金五郎) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Kingoro (金五郎) from The Story of Kasane
- Kinren (金連) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Kinren doll (金連藁人形) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Kinsato (公暁丸) from The Herculean Woman
- Kinsha (錦舎) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Kinshiren (錦糸蓮 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Kinshojo (錦祥女) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Kintoji (鷲塚金藤次) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Kintoki Sakata (坂田公時) from Mt. Oeyama
- Kinugawa, later known as Yoemon (絹川谷蔵後に与右衛門) from The Story of Kasane
- Kinzo (百姓金蔵) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Kirara (きらら) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Kirinoya (桐の谷) from The Pines on Mount Hibari
- Kisanta (吉岡鬼三太) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Kisuke (料理人喜助) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Kitahachi (喜多八 ) from The Shank's Mare along the Tokaido Highway
- Kitahachi (竹森喜太八) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Kitaroku (藍玉屋北六) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Kitota (松永鬼藤太) from The Gion Festival
- Kiyodo (伜清童) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Kiyohide Nakagawa (中川清秀) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Kiyohime (娘清姫) from The Cherry Trees Along the Hidaka River
- Kiyomori (平相国清盛) from The Priest in Exile
- Kiyomori (平清盛) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Kiyomori, Head of the Heike clan (安芸守平清盛) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Kiyotsura (三善清貫) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Kiyozumi (大判事清澄) from The Teachings for Women
- Kizaemon (喜左衛門) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Kizaemon (吉田屋喜左衛門) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Kobata (腰元木幡) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Kobei (山田幸兵衛) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Kobei's wife (幸兵衛女房) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Kobunji (原小文治) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Koen (端下女小えん) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Kofuyu (腰元小冬) from The Herculean Woman
- Koganosuke (久我之助) from The Teachings for Women
- Kogiku (腰元小菊) from The Teachings for Women
- Kogiku (天王寺屋小菊) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Kohagi (伊勢の小萩) from Sansho Dayu
- Kohagi, in fact Atsumori (小萩実は無官太夫敦盛) from Kumagai at the Fan Shop
- Kohan (女郎小半) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Koharu (紀の国屋小春) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Koharu (紀の国屋小春) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Kohei (綿屋小兵衛) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Koiginu (傾城恋絹) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Kojibei (小次兵衛) from The Gion Festival
- Kojika, a street girl (惣嫁小鹿(辻君お鹿)) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Kojoro (小女郎) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Kojoro, a maid (小女郎) from The Murder in Revenge
- Kokingo (主馬の小金吾) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Komaki (小巻) from The Travelling Butterflies
- Komaki (小巻) from The Butterfly Couple in the Other World
- Komaki (小巻) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Koman, Kurosuke's daughter (女房小まん) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Komanji (光満寺) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Komawaka (駒若君) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Kompei (コン平) from The Hunter and the Female Fox
- Komutsu (女房小むつ) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Konami (娘小浪) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Konzo (コン蔵) from The Hunter and the Female Fox
- Koppa-no-gon (こっぱの権) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Koremochi Taira (平維茂) from The Maple Viewing Party
- Koretoki (大江大将維時) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Koroku (重井筒の小六) from The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa
- Koroku (郎党くるみ割の小六) from The Rat's Romance
- Koromonogo, Head of upper village (連衫子) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Kosaburo (小三郎 (小三郎盛清)) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Kosasa, a maid (腰元小笹) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Kosen (祖母小仙) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Kosen, Gonta's wife (権太女房小仙) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Koshiji (母越路) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Koshiro (小四郎 (小四郎高重)) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Kosuke (手代(久三の)小助) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Kotaro (一子小太郎) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Kotoji (谷村小藤治) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Kotomi, a lady-in-waiting (腰元小富) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Kotoura (傾城琴浦) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Kowakubi (武蔵の強頸) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Koyoshi (母小よし) from The Tales of Ise
- Koyoshi (下女小よし) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Koyoshi, Kurosuke's wife (九郎助女房小よし) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Koyuki (娘小雪) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Kozakura, Yukitsuna's daughter (娘小桜) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Kozue (娘こずえ) from Kajiwara The Swordsman
- Kudayu (斧九太夫) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Kuheiji (油屋九平次) from The Love Suicides at Sonezaki
- Kumagai (熊谷次郎直実) from Kumagai at the Fan Shop
- Kumagai (熊谷次郎直実) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Kumagai in the distance (遠見の熊谷) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Kumagimi (巫女阿公) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Kume-no-Sennin (粂仙人) from The Enticed High Priest
- Kunimochi, Feudal lord (大名国持) from The Feudal Lord in Asama
- Kunitoshi (来国俊) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Kuniyuki (来国行) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Kuno Bungonokami (九野豊後守) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Kuriemon (杣栗右衛門) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Kurodo (進ノ蔵人) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Kurosaku, a boatman (九郎作) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Kurosuke, a farmer (百姓九郎助) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Kusuke, a begger (とんとこの九助) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Kusuke, a rogue (車遣い九介(助)) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Kuzunoha (葛の葉姫) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Kyo-no-Kimi (卿の君) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Kyoichi (伜経市) from The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren
- Kyoko (娘京子) from The Disinherited Son
- Kyonokimi (卿の君) from The Cherry Trees of the Imperial Palace
- Kyosei (喬生) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Kyubei (油絞り久兵衛) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Kyubei (父九兵衛) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Kyubei (親久兵衛) from The Red-Hot Love of the Greengrocer's Daughter
- Kyubei's wife (久兵衛女房) from The Red-Hot Love of the Greengrocer's Daughter
- Kyuhachi (廻しの久八) from Oshun and Dembei
- Kyuma Hayabuchi (早淵久馬) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Kyusaku (百姓久作 ) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Kyusaku (親久作) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Kyushichi (廻しの久七 ) from Danshichi the Homeless
- Kyuzo (久三) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Kyuzo Mase (笆久蔵) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Ladies-in-waiting (腰元) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Ladies-in-waiting (腰元) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Ladies-in-waiting (腰元) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Lady Ano (阿野の局) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Lady Fujinami (局藤浪) from The Pregnant Mountain Ogress (Heroine)
- Lady Itsuki (息女斎姫) from The Herculean Woman
- Lady Iwane (岩根御前) from The Pines on Mount Hibari
- Lady Kayo, in fact a fox (花陽夫人実は妖狐 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Lady Masako (政子尼公) from The Herculean Woman
- Lady Nagisa (渚の方) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Lady Sakae (栄御前) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Lady Tamamo, in fact a fox (玉藻前実は妖狐) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Lady Taoyame, Shogun's wife (手弱女御前) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Lady Tokiwai (奥方常盤井) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Lady in waiting (局 ) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Lady of the house (奥方) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Lady-in-waiting (腰元) from The Maple Viewing Party
- Lady-in-waiting (官女) from The Teachings for Women
- Lady-in-waiting (上臈) from The Priest in Exile
- Lady-in-waiting Awa (阿波の局) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Lady-in-waiting Kushige, in fact Yoshimitsu (匣の内侍実は新羅三郎義光) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Lady-in-waiting Sanuki (讃岐の局) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Landlord (家主 (家主茂次兵衛)) from The Teachings for Women
- Landlord (家主) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Landlord Rokubei (家主六兵衛) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Laundry woman (洗濯婆) from The Loyal Samurai
- Leader of the five-man group (五人組の頭) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Lion (獅子) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Little girl (小娘) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Little girl attendant (禿) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Local governor (お代官) from The Red Battle Surcoat
- Local governor's assistant (お代官のこぶん) from The Red Battle Surcoat
- Local governor's wife (奥方) from The Red Battle Surcoat
- Lord (殿さま) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Lord of Taga (多賀大領 (前田大領)) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Low class samurai (青侍) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Lumber carriers (人足) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Madam (女将) from The Feudal Lord in Asama
- Madame Butterfly (お蝶夫人) from Madame Butterfly
- Magaki (腰元籬) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Magoemon (親孫右衛門) from The Amorous Courier
- Magoemon (粉屋孫右衛門) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Magoemon (道具屋孫右衛門) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Magoemon (親孫右衛門) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Magoemon (粉屋孫右衛門) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Magohachi (竹下孫八) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Magohachi (池添孫八) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Magoichi (鱸孫市) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Magoroku (池添孫六) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Magosaku (庄屋孫作) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Magotaro, a horse (孫太郎(馬)) from The Red Battle Surcoat
- Maid (下女) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Maid (仲居) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Maid (遣り手) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Maid (下女) from The Faithful Wife
- Maid (下女) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Maid (下女) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Maid (下女) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Maid (仲居) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Maid at the debaya inn (出刃屋の女中) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Maid servant (紀の国屋下女子(下女)) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Maid servants (腰元) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Maid servants (腰元) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Maid servants (腰元) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Maids (腰元) from The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
- Maids (下女) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Maids (腰元) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Maids (腰元) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Maiko (舞妓) from The Fulling Block and the Bonfire
- Makinokata (御台牧の方) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Makinoo, a warrior's wife (女房槙の尾) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Makizo, a woodcutter (杣槙蔵) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Male lion (雄獅子) from The Lion Dance
- Male pedestrian (通行の男) from Sasayaki no take
- Male traveler (旅の男) from The Fiftieth Death Anniversary
- Mameshiro (磯の上豆四郎) from The Tales of Ise
- Man (下女まん) from The Courier for Hell
- Man in a livery coat (いなせな男) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Man, a maid (下女まん) from Gonza the Lancer
- Man-yohime (萬代姫) from The Young Cherry Tree
- Manno (仲居万野) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Manzai (万才) from The Dances of the Four Seasons
- Mareyo (左中弁希世) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Masaemon (唐木政右衛門) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Masakiyo (加藤正清) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Masakiyo Kato (加藤肥多守正清) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Masamune (五郎兵衛正宗) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Masanori Fukushima (福島正則) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Masaoka (乳人政岡) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Masashige Kusunoki (楠正成) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Masayasu (三好存保) from The Gion Festival
- Mask peddler (面売り(娘)) from The Mask Peddler
- Masseur (座頭) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Matagoro (沢井股五郎) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Matahei (吃又平 (浮世又平 後に 土佐光起)) from The Stuttering Painter
- Matakichi, son of Matasuke (伜又吉) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Matano (俣野五郎景久) from Kajiwara The Swordsman
- Matanojo (小汐田又之丞) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Mataroku, a boatman (船頭又六) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Matasuke (鳥井又助) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Matsu, an apprentice (丁稚松) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Matsubei, a clerk (手代松兵衛) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Matsubei, a woodcutter (杣松兵衛) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Matsudayu (松太夫) from Stone Flower
- Matsuemon, in fact Kanemitsu Matsuemon (松右衛門実は樋口次郎兼光) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Matsunami Kengyo (松波検校) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Matsuomaru (松王丸(舎人) ) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Matsuomaru (侍童松王丸) from The Dancing Mushrooms
- Matsuwakamaru (吉田松若丸) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Matsuyo (姉松代) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Matsuyoi, Yoshikata's daughter (待宵姫) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Mayumi (奥方真弓の方) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Medo (めどの方) from The Teachings for Women
- Members of religionist group (同行衆) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Members of the five-man group (五人組) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Men carrying passengers across a river (川越人足) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Messanger Kosuke (歩きの小助) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Messenger (注進) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Messenger (注進) from The Teachings for Women
- Messenger (番所早使) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Michinari (勅使道成) from Kokaji the Swordsmith
- Michitose (三千歳姫 ) from A Supplement to Chushingura
- Michizane (菅丞相) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Michizane's wife (御台所) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Midaidokoro (御台所) from Sansho Dayu
- Midaroku, in fact Munekiyo (石屋弥陀六実は弥平兵衛宗清) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Midori (娘みどり) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Midori (禿みどり) from Tragedy on a Snowy Night
- Midorimaru (緑丸) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Mihashi, a maid (腰元みはし) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Millionaire escort to Kogiku (会津の大尽蝋九) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Mimbu Katsuragi (葛城民部) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Mimyo (母微妙) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Minamoto-no-Yorimitsu (源頼光) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune (源義経) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Minato (妻湊 ) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Minazuru (皆鶴姫) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Minematsu (伜峰松) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Minor officials (諸士) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Minosaku, in fact Takeda Katsuyori (簑作実は武田勝頼) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Minosuke, Otani's son (伜巳之助) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Misao (妻操) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Misao (秋月妻操) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Mitsugi (福岡貢) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Mitsuhide (武智光秀) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Mitsumaru (光丸) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Mitsunobu (土佐将監(光信)) from The Stuttering Painter
- Mitsunobu's wife (将監奥方) from The Stuttering Painter
- Miuranosuke (三浦之助) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Miuranosuke's mother (三浦之助母) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Miyagino (傾城宮城野) from The Shiraishi Story
- Miyashiba (新造宮柴 (女郎)) from The Shiraishi Story
- Miyazato (新造宮里 (女郎)) from The Shiraishi Story
- Miyuki (秋月娘深雪) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Miyuki, a maid (腰元深雪) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Mizuemon (樋の口の水右衛門) from The Amorous Courier
- Mizuemon (樋の口の水右衛門) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Mochibei (庄屋持兵衛) from The Gion Festival
- Mohei (団七の茂兵衛) from Danshichi the Homeless
- Mohei (手代茂兵衛 ) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Mohei (手代茂兵衛) from The Ancient Calendar
- Mojibei (茂次兵衛) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Mojino, a girl attendant (禿文字野) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Mokusokan, in fact Shihoden (車騎将軍木曾官実は四方田但馬守) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Mokuzo (Kizo) (どすの木蔵) from The Gion Festival
- Momiji, a lady-in-waiting (紅葉局) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Monk (客僧) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Monkey (猿) from The Story of Matsukaza and Murasame
- Monkey trainer (猿曳) from The Story of Matsukaza and Murasame
- Monster (山父) from Urikohime and Amanjaku
- Moriemon (山本森右衛門) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Morimasa Sakuma (佐久間盛政) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Moritsugu (越中次郎兵衛盛次) from The Priest in Exile
- Moritsugu, a Heike clansman (Etchu Jiro) (越中次郎盛次) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Moritsuna (佐々木盛綱 (佐々木三郎兵衛盛綱)) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Moronao (高師直) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Mosuke Horio (堀尾茂助義晴) from The Young Cherry Tree
- Motokata (左大将元方) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Motome (谷沢求馬) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Motome, in fact Tankai Fujiwara (求馬実は藤原淡海) from The Teachings for Women
- Motoyasu (丹左衛門元康) from The Priest in Exile
- Moutain Princess (山の姫君) from Stone Flower
- Munechika (三条小鍛冶宗近) from Kokaji the Swordsmith
- Munemasa, a Heike warrior (進野次郎宗政) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Munemori, Son of Shigemori (平宗盛) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Mutoda (武藤太) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Mutsu (六) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Myojun (藤屋妙順) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Myokan (母妙閑) from The Courier for Hell
- Myorin (尼妙林) from The Two Butterflies
- Nadaemon, in fact Motobei Kojima (船頭灘右衛門実は児嶋元兵衛政次) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Nadeshiko (撫子姫) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Nagatsune (高橋判官長常) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Naginosei (梛の精) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Naiki (槌屋内記) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Namako-no-hachi (なまこの八 (なまの八)) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Nambei, in fact Muneto (車遣い(外が浜)南兵衛実は安倍宗任) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Namie, a maid (腰元浪江) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Namisuke, a servant (下人(仲間,奴)浪介) from Gonza the Lancer
- Naniwa-Chunagon Kanefuyu (浪花中納言) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Naoe Yamashironokami (直江山城守(実綱)) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Naokata (平傔仗直方) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Naonobu (狩野之介直信) from The Gion Festival
- Narihira (在原業平) from The Tales of Ise
- Naritada, a court noble (大納言成忠) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Naritsune (丹波少将成経) from The Priest in Exile
- Narumi (母鳴海) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Neighbor (近所の人) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Neighbors (近所の衆) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Neiwannyo (寧王女) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Nensai, an acolyte (弟子僧念西) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Netaro (丁稚子太郎) from The Teachings for Women
- Night watchman (起番男) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Night watchman (夜回り) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Night watchman (夜回り ) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Nijo Dainagon (二条大納言) from Sansho Dayu
- Nikuryokan, in fact Rihyo (肉良甘 実は 李彪) from Monkey
- Ninzaemon, proprietor of the tea house at Oiso (亭主仁左衛門) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Nisaburo (絵屋仁三郎) from The Murder in Revenge
- Nisaburo, in fact Haruji Komazawa (浮洲の仁三郎実は駒沢春次) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Nisota, Kurosuke's nephew (矢橋二惣太) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Node-no-San (野手の三) from The Two Butterflies
- Nomorinosuke Kondo (近藤野守之助) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Noritsune (能登守教経) from The Priest in Exile
- Noriuji, in fact Sadato (桂中納言則氏実は安倍貞任) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Nun (尼) from Hatsuse mode
- Nun (尼) from The Dancing Mushrooms
- Nun Joshin (浄心尼) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Nureginu (腰元濡衣) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Nyohachi (鉦の鐃八) from The Tales of Ise
- Oba (大場三郎景親 ) from Kajiwara The Swordsman
- Ochiyo (女房お千代) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Ochiyo (嫁お千代) from The Greengrocer's Tragedy
- Odai, a maid (腰元お大) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Odai, wife of Matasuke (女房お大) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Odamaki (おだ巻姫) from The Cherry Trees Along the Hidaka River
- Oden (下女お伝) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Oden (女房お伝) from The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren
- Official in charge of deer (鹿役人) from The Teachings for Women
- Ofude (腰元お筆) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Ofuji (妹お藤) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Ofuku, a maid (腰元お福) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Ofune (娘お舟) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Ofusa (重井筒のお房) from The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa
- Ofuyu, a maid (腰元お冬) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Ogre (鬼) from Monkey
- Ohan (娘お半) from The Inauspicious Sword
- Ohan (おはん) from Ohan
- Ohan (娘お半) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Ohana (手習子お花) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Ohana (井筒屋お花) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Ohana, a maid (腰元お花) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Oharu (女房お春) from Akogi Bay in Ise Province
- Oharu, Jiroemon's wife (妻お春) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Oharu, a maid (腰元お春) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Ohatsu (天満屋お初) from The Love Suicides at Sonezaki
- Ohatsu, Onoe's maid (召使お初) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Ohaya (女房お早) from The Two Butterflies
- Ohaya (手習子お早) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Ohyaku, a streetwalker (惣嫁お百) from The Loyal Samurai
- Oishi (妻お石) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Oito (芸妓おいと) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Oiwa (女房お岩) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Okachi (妹おかち) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Okahei, in fact Heiemon Teraoka (奴岡平実は寺岡平右衛門) from The Go Game Strategy
- Okaji (女房お梶) from Danshichi the Homeless
- Okaji (団七女房お梶) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Okame, a maid (仲居お亀) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Okane (母おかね) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Okaru (姉おかる) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Okaru (腰元(遊女,女房, 娘)おかる) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Okatsu (女房お勝) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Okatsu (母おかつ) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Okatsu (油屋お勝) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Okatsu, a housewife (女房おかつ) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Okaya (女房おかや) from A Chushingura's Subplot
- Okaya (遣り手おかや) from Tragedy on a Snowy Night
- Okayo (おかよ) from Ohan
- Okichi (女房お吉) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Okichi's second daughter (中娘) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Okiji (女房お雉) from The Teachings for Women
- Okiku (腰元お菊) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Okiku (下女おきく) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Okiku, Osai's daughter (娘お菊) from Gonza the Lancer
- Okiku, a maid (下女お菊) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Okimi (娘お君) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Okimi, a streetwalker (惣嫁お君) from The Loyal Samurai
- Okin (周旋屋おきん) from The Disinherited Son
- Okina (翁) from The Dance of Sambaso
- Okinoi (沖の井) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Okinu (女房お絹) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Okisa, Kizaemon's wife (女房おきさ) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Okishi (仲居お岸) from The Murder in Revenge
- Okiwa (許婚おきわ) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Okiyo (姉娘お清) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Okizukin (置頭巾) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Okizukin (置頭巾) from The Amorous Courier
- Oko (母お幸) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Okoma (お駒) from The Story of Kasane
- Okoma (お駒) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Okoma (娘お駒) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Okon (女郎お紺) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Okuma (母おくま) from The Greengrocer's Tragedy
- Okura (乳母おくら) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Okuru (女房おくる) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Okyo (妻お京) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Old Woman (婆) from Monkey
- Old Woman, a neighbor (隣ノ婆) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Old female cormorant (鵜の婆) from The Grateful Cormorant
- Old man of Kimura village (木村の親仁) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Old man, a neighbor (隣ノ爺) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Old woman (老婆) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Old woman at Inn (旅籠の婆) from Omon Toda
- Old woodcutter (杣の老人) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Omaki (女房おまき) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Omaki, Hyosuke's wife (女房お牧) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Omasa (女房お政) from The Young Cherry Tree
- Omatsu (嫁お松) from The Faithful Wife
- Omatsu (仲居お松) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Omatsu (下女お松) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Omatsu, a lady-in-waiting (腰元お松) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Omatsu, a maid (腰元お松) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Omatsu, a maid (下女おまつ) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Omatsu, a maid (腰元お松) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Omatsu, a maid (下女お松) from The Story of Shunkin
- Ominaeshi (小侍従女郎花) from The Dancing Mushrooms
- Omisu (許嫁おみす) from The Murder in Revenge
- Omitsu (娘おみつ) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Omitsu's mother (おみつの母 ) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Omiwa (お三輪) from The Teachings for Women
- Omiwa's mother (お三輪母) from The Teachings for Women
- Omodakahime (沢瀉姫) from The Pregnant Mountain Ogress (Heroine)
- Omon (おもん) from Omon Toda
- Omutsu (扇折おむつ) from Kumagai at the Fan Shop
- Onabe, a maid (下女お鍋) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Onabe, a maid (腰元お鍋) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Onabe, a maid (下女お鍋) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Onaka (娘お中) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Onaka, a maid (腰元お中) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Onaka, a maid (腰元お仲(お夏)) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Onatsu (娘お夏) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Onatsu (娘お夏) from The Fiftieth Death Anniversary
- Oniwaka, later known as Benkei (鬼若丸後に武蔵坊弁慶) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Onnanosuke (女之助) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Onobu (妹おのぶ) from The Shiraishi Story
- Onochi (娘おのち) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Onoe, lady-in-waiting (中老尾上) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Onoemon (杣斧右衛門) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Onoemon's mother (斧右衛門の母) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Ononohime (小野姫) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Onoroku, in fact Miuranosuke (黒髪山の斧六実は三浦之助) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Orachi (女房おらち) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Oren (娘おれん) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Orie's customer (おりゑの客) from The Loyal Samurai
- Orie, Yazama's wife (おりゑ) from The Loyal Samurai
- Oriku (扇折おりく) from Kumagai at the Fan Shop
- Orin (女房おりん) from Kumagai at the Fan Shop
- Oryu (お柳) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Oryu, in fact Suke-no-Tsubone (女房おりう実は典侍局) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Osaga (柏屋おさが) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Osai (おさゐ) from Gonza the Lancer
- Osai's mother (おさゐ母 ) from Gonza the Lancer
- Osaji (母お匕) from The Gion Festival
- Osaka, a courtesan (傾城逢坂) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Osaki (文字摺売りお咲) from The Tales of Ise
- Osan (おさん) from The Fiftieth Death Anniversary
- Osan (女房おさん) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Osan (女房おさん) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Osan (女房おさん) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Osan (女房おさん) from The Ancient Calendar
- Osan's mother (おさん母) from The Ancient Calendar
- Osan's mother (おさんの母) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Osan's mother (おさんの母) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Osan's mother (おさんの母) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Osato (女房お里) from The Miracle at the Tsubosaka Kannon Temple
- Osato, Yazaemon's daughter (娘お里) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Osatsu, a maid servant (下女おさつ) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Osawa (徳兵衛女房お沢) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Osayo (お小夜) from The Story of Shunkin
- Osayo (女房おさよ) from The Shiraishi Story
- Oseki (姉お関) from The Two Butterflies
- Osen, a street girl (惣嫁(辻君)お仙) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Oshichi (娘お七) from The Red-Hot Love of the Greengrocer's Daughter
- Oshika (女郎お鹿) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Oshimo's mother (須藤母) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Oshimo, Rokuroemon's sister (須藤妹お霜) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Osho (乳母お庄) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Oshun (娘おしゅん) from Oshun and Dembei
- Oshun (おしゅん) from The Fiftieth Death Anniversary
- Osode (娘お袖) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Osome (娘お染) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Osome (娘お染) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Osono (嫁お園) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Osono (女房おその) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Osono (娘お園) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Osoyo (娘おそよ) from The Pine Tree on the River Bank
- Osue (娘お末) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Osue (娘お末) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Osue, a maid servant (お末) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Osugi (下女お杉) from The Red-Hot Love of the Greengrocer's Daughter
- Osugi, a maid (下女お杉) from Gonza the Lancer
- Osugi, a tea house maid (遣手お杉) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Osute (娘お捨) from Gonza the Lancer
- Otake (飯炊きお竹) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Otake (婆お竹) from The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
- Otake, a maid (女中お竹) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Otake, a maid (下女お竹) from The Story of Shunkin
- Otake, a maid (下女お竹) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Otama (下女お玉) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Otama, a maid servant (下女お玉) from The Love Suicides at Sonezaki
- Otama, a maid servant (下女お玉) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Otane (女房お種) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Otane, in fact Yatsuhashi (お種 実は 腰元八つ橋) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Otani (女房お谷) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Otani (娘お谷) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Otani (文字摺売りお谷) from The Tales of Ise
- Otatsu (髪結おたつ) from Tragedy on a Snowy Night
- Otatsu (徳兵衛女房お辰) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Otatsu (母お辰) from The Disinherited Son
- Oteru (嫁お照) from The Two Butterflies
- Oteru, a dancing girl (舞子おてる) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Otoki (周旋屋おとき) from The Disinherited Son
- Otoku (女房おとく) from The Stuttering Painter
- Otomi (芸妓お富 ) from Danshichi the Homeless
- Otomobo (大伴坊) from The Enticed High Priest
- Otonari (郡大守音成) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Otose (母おとせ) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Otoshi, a maid (女中お俊) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Otowa (女房おとわ) from The Sumo Wrestler's Banner
- Otowa (女房おとわ) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Otsu (娘お通) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Otsugi (三婦女房おつぎ) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Otsuji (乳母お辻) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Otsuma (女房お妻) from The Inauspicious Sword
- Otsuma's mother (お妻の母) from The Inauspicious Sword
- Otsuru (娘おつる) from The Infant Pilgrim
- Otsuru (稽古娘おつる) from Oshun and Dembei
- Otsuru, Tobei's wife (女房おつる) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Otsuru, a maid (仲居お鶴) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Otsuya, a housewife (女房おつや) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Otsuyu (娘お露) from The Gion Festival
- Oume (お梅の方) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Oume (娘お梅) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Oume, a maid (女中お梅) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Oune (女房おうね) from The Shiraishi Story
- Ouno (お鵜乃 実は鵜の女) from The Grateful Cormorant
- Ousu (団子売お臼) from The Dumpling Peddlers
- Ousu (団子売(女房)お臼) from The Celebration of Housing Starts
- Ousu, a dumpling peddler (団子売お臼) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Owasa (母おわさ) from The Cherry Trees of the Imperial Palace
- Oyana (娘おやな) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Oyana, a cook (賄おやな) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Oyasu, in fact Emperor Antoku (娘お安実は安徳天皇) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Oyone (娘お米) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Oyoshi (およし) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Oyoshi (下女およし) from The Two Butterflies
- Oyoshi (茶店のお由) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Oyoshi (下女およし) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Oyoshi, a maid (下女およし) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Oyotsu, in fact Kagaribi (およつ実は妻篝火) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Oyuki (お雪) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Oyuki (娘お雪) from Gonza the Lancer
- Oyuki's governess (お雪の乳母) from Gonza the Lancer
- Oyuki, a maid (腰元お雪) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Oyumi (女房お弓) from The Infant Pilgrim
- Pack-horse leader (馬丁) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Packhorse driver (馬方) from The Go Game Strategy
- Packhorse driver (馬子) from The Fiftieth Death Anniversary
- Page (お茶小姓) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Page (小姓) from A Supplement to Chushingura
- Page (お小姓) from The Rat's Romance
- Page (近習) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Page (小姓) from Kajiwara The Swordsman
- Page (小姓) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Page (小姓) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Page (小姓) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Page (小坊主) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Page (小姓) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Palanquin bearer (駕屋) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Palanquin bearer (駕屋) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Palanquin bearer (駕屋) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Palanquin bearer (駕屋) from The Courier for Hell
- Palanquin bearer (駕屋) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Palanquin bearer (駕籠舁) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Palanquin bearers (駕屋) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Pawn shop employee (質屋の男) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Pawnshop customer (質受男) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Peddler from Ohara (大原女) from Sasayaki no take
- Pilgrim (巡礼) from The Go Game Strategy
- Pilgrimage leader (山上講先達) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Pilgrims on their way to a temple (参詣人) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Pinkerton (ピンカートン) from Madame Butterfly
- Pinsuke (からのぴん助 ) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Police captain (捕手頭) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Policemen (捕手) from The Ancient Calendar
- Policemen (捕手) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Postman (飛脚) from The Infant Pilgrim
- Postman (飛脚) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Priest (稲荷法印) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Priest (脇僧) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Priest (山法師) from The Dancing Mushrooms
- Priest (轟坊の寺僧) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Priest Abe (安倍法印) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Priest Futen (普天坊) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Priest Gesshin (僧月心) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Priest Gojaku (剛寂僧都) from The Cherry Trees Along the Hidaka River
- Priest Homei (法明上人) from Monkey
- Priest Hossho (法性坊阿闍梨 ) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Priest Kyoji (教慈上人) from The Rat's Romance
- Priest Nichiro (日朗法師) from The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren
- Priest Roben (良弁僧正) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Priest Sainen (西念坊) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Priest at Koshinji (湖心寺の僧) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Priest in charge of Accounting (納所坊主) from Sasayaki no take
- Priest of Anrakuji Temple (安楽寺の僧(住職)) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Priest of the Kiyomizu Temple (清水寺寺僧) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Prime Minister Machikane (持兼の宰相) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Prince Bairoku (使者梅勒王) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Prince Tamaki, in fact Yatsuwaka (環の宮実は義家一子八若) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Prince Tokiyo (斎世親王) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Prince Usugumo (薄雲皇子) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Princess Sarashina, in fact a demoness (更科姫実は鬼女) from The Maple Viewing Party
- Princess Sendan (栴檀皇女) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Professional chatterbox (おしゃべり案山子) from The Mask Peddler
- Professional jester (太鼓持) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Proprietor of the Kasaneizutsu tea house (Tokubei's brother) (重井筒の亭主(徳兵衛の兄 )) from The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa
- Proprietor of the Tanakaya tea house (田中屋亭主) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Proprietor of the inn (宿屋亭主) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Proprietress of Sugisakaya sake shop (杉酒屋の婆) from The Teachings for Women
- Prostitute (遊君) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Pumpkin (かぼちゃ) from The Vegetable Farm
- Queen Saiki (采姫夫人) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Queer-shaped man (異形の男) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Raishin (雷震 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Rammaru (森の蘭丸) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Rasetsujo (羅刹女) from Monkey
- Red Ogre (赤鬼) from Monkey
- Red ogre (赤鬼) from Mt. Oeyama
- Red ogre (赤鬼) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Referee (行司) from The Sumo Wrestler's Banner
- Reikei (麗卿) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Reikei doll (麗卿藁人形) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Reisui, a highway robber (谷川冷水) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Reizei (下婢れいぜい) from The Rat's Romance
- Renge Obo (蓮華王坊) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Retainer (太郎冠者) from The Story of Matsukaza and Murasame
- Retainer (若党) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Retainer (若党) from Gonza the Lancer
- Retainers (軍兵) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Retainers (手下) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Retainers (奴) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Ri Toten (右軍将李蹈天) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Rice dealer (掛乞米屋) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Rich man (有徳人) from The Three Oddities
- Rihei (小道具屋利兵衛 ) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Rihyo (李彪) from Monkey
- Rikimaru (森の力丸) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Rikiya (大星力弥) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Rikiya (大星力弥) from The Go Game Strategy
- Rin (下女りん) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Rin (下女りん) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Rin (下女りん) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Rin (下女りん) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Rin, a maid (下女りん) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Rin, a maid (女中りん) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Rin, a maid (仲居りん) from The Courier for Hell
- Rindayu, a Shinto priest (祝部山上倫太夫) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Rinemon (医者林右衛門) from Akogi Bay in Ise Province
- Rinzaemon (桜田林左衛門) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Ritaro (利太郎) from The Story of Shunkin
- Riyu (紫巾官利勇) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Ro Ikkan (鄭芝龍老一官) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Ro Ikkan's wife (老一官妻) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Roku (種ヶ島の六) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Roku, a begger (六) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Rokubei (同行六兵衛) from The Two Butterflies
- Rokudai (六代君) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Rokuro (四宮六郎) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Rokuro (南瀬六郎宗澄) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Rokuro (是角六郎) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Rokuro (白須賀六郎) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Rokuro (富田六郎) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Rokuro Kamei (亀井六郎) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Rokurodayu (青貝師六郎太夫) from Kajiwara The Swordsman
- Rokuroemon Obana (尾花六郎右衛門) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Rokuroemon Sudo (須藤六郎右衛門) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Rokurohime (ろくろ姫) from The Story of Monsters
- Rokusuke (毛谷村六助) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Rokuyata (岡部六弥太忠澄) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Rokuzo (下男六蔵) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Ronin (浪人) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Rustic customer (田舎客) from The Love Suicides at Sonezaki
- Rustic customer (田舎客) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Ryoan Komazawa (駒沢了庵) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Ryoku (扇屋了空) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Ryukakun (柳哥君) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Ryukichi (柳吉) from The Disinherited Son
- Ryuko (劉洪) from Monkey
- Ryuko's wife (劉洪の妻) from Monkey
- Sabu (豆腐屋三婦) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Sabu (釣船三婦) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Sabu (豆腐屋(兄)三婦) from The Story of Kasane
- Saburo (一子三郎) from Sansho Dayu
- Saburo (宮崎の三郎) from Sansho Dayu
- Saburobei (百姓三郎兵衛) from Sasayaki no take
- Sachuta (梶下左忠太) from The Subscription List
- Sadaiben Sanechika (左大弁実親卿) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Sadaka (後室定高) from The Teachings for Women
- Sadakuro (定九郎) from Monkey
- Sadakuro (斧定九郎) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Sadanoshin Takemura (竹村定之進) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Sadashichi (本庄屋定七) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Saeda (乳母小枝) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Saeda (腰元小枝) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Saeda Tokuzen-in (左枝徳善院) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Saeda, a lady-in-waiting (腰元早枝) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Saeda, a maid (腰元左枝) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Saemon (左衛門の尉) from Sasayaki no take
- Saemon (大坂屋) from The Sumo Wrestler's Banner
- Saemon (園部左衛門) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Saemon Yurugi (由留木左衛門) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Saemon's daughter (尉の娘) from Sasayaki no take
- Saemon's wife (尉の妻) from Sasayaki no take
- Saemon, a Heike general (飛騨左衛門) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Sagaemon (大鳥佐賀右衛門) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Sagami (妻相模) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Sagenta (左源太) from The Ogress of Mt. Oe
- Sagenta (左源太) from The Modoribashi Bridge
- Sagimusume (鷺娘) from The Dances of the Four Seasons
- Sagohei (若党佐吾平) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Sagojo (沙悟浄) from Monkey
- Sahei (づだの佐兵衛 ) from Danshichi the Homeless
- Sahei, Suketayu's servant (若党佐兵衛) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Saibei (一文字屋才兵衛) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Saibei (紀の国屋才兵衛) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Saibei (紀の国屋才兵衛) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Saibei, Proprietor of the tea house Kutsuwa (亭主才兵衛 (くつわの亭主)) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Saigyo (西行) from Hatsuse mode
- Saikakuen (才覚延) from Monkey
- Saikobo (西光坊) from Sasayaki no take
- Saint Nichiren (日蓮聖人) from The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren
- Saizaburo Obana (尾花才三郎) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Saizo (才蔵) from The Dances of the Four Seasons
- Saizo (才蔵) from The Street Entertainers
- Saizo (才三) from The Celebration of Housing Starts
- Sajibei (Sajihei) (親佐治兵衛) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Sajitayu (蠅頭の左次太夫) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Sajitayu (肝煎左治太夫) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Sakaki (榊の前) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Sakata-no-Kintoki (坂田金時) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Sakino, a courtesan (女郎咲野 ) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Sakon (左コン) from The Hunter and the Female Fox
- Sakon (平岡左近) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Sakuragi (腰元桜木) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Sakuramaru (桜丸(舎人)) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Sakyo (近習左京) from The Feudal Lord in Asama
- Sambaso (三番叟) from The Dance of Sambaso
- Samboshi (三法師丸) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Samurai (修行者) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Samurai (近習) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Samurai (近侍) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Samurai (伊予の内侍) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- San, a maid (下女さん) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Sanai Sagisaka (鷺坂左内) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Sanemori, a Heike general (斎藤実盛) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Sangohei's messanger (三五平使者) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Sangoro (丁稚三五郎) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Sangoro (丁稚三五郎) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Sankatsu (美濃屋三勝) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Sankichi (馬方三吉) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Sannojo (弟三之丞) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Sannokimi (三の君) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Sansaku (伜三作) from The Teachings for Women
- Sanshodayu (さんしょう太夫) from Sansho Dayu
- Sansuke, a servant (下男三助) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Santa, an apprentice (丁稚三太) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Santaro (三太郎) from The Grateful Cormorant
- Sanukibo (天狗讃岐坊) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Sanzaemon, a page (近習山左衛門) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Sanzohoshi (三蔵法師) from Monkey
- Sanzohoshi, in fact Songoku (三蔵法師実は孫悟空) from Monkey
- Sarashina (腰元更科) from The Pregnant Mountain Ogress (Heroine)
- Sarusuberi (かんまち猿辷り) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Sasarae (簓江) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Sasen (医者柴左仙) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Sashiro Yamagaya (山家屋佐四郎) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Sasuke (弟子佐助) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Sasuke (佐助) from The Story of Shunkin
- Sato Tadanobu, in fact Fox Tadanobu (佐藤忠信実は源九郎狐 (狐忠信)) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Satonoko (里の子) from Hatsuse mode
- Satoru (一子悟) from Ohan
- Satsuki (母皐月) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Sawaichi (座頭沢市) from The Miracle at the Tsubosaka Kannon Temple
- Sayo (重井筒の小夜) from The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa
- Sazen (代官左膳) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- School children (手習子) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Second messenger (二度の注進) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Secondhand goods dealer (古手買) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Secret agent (忍び) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Segawa (傾城瀬川) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Segawa, a courtesan (傾城瀬川) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Seibei (山家屋清兵衛) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Seijuro (手代清十郎) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Seishichi (供の男清七) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Seisuke (若い者清介) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Seki, a vassal of the Shogun (眤近侍関) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Sekibei, in fact Dosan (花守関兵衛実は斎藤道三) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Sekidera Komachi (関寺小町) from The Dances of the Four Seasons
- Sekinai (奴関内) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Sekinai, a servant (奴関内) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Sekinai, a servant (奴関内) from The Loyal Samurai
- Sekisuke (奴関助) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Sekiya, a maid (腰元関屋) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Senju (下婢せんじゅ) from The Rat's Romance
- Senmatsu (千松) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Seno-o (瀬尾太郎兼康) from The Priest in Exile
- Seno-o, a Heike warrior (瀬尾十郎) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Sentaro (伜千太郎) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Senzai (千歳) from The Dance of Sambaso
- Servant (水奴) from The Battle of Dannoura
- Servant (六尺) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Servant (奴) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Servant (水奴) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Servant (下人) from Sasayaki no take
- Servant (先供) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Servant (迎いの奴) from The Murder in Revenge
- Servant (奴) from A Supplement to Chushingura
- Servant sparrows (雀の家来) from The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
- Servant to chief advisor (関白の家来) from Sasayaki no take
- Servants (仕丁) from The Teachings for Women
- Servants (仕丁) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Servants (奴) from Gonza the Lancer
- Servants (組子) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Servants (奴) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Servants (雑色) from The Priest in Exile
- Servants (仲間) from Gonza the Lancer
- Servants (下男) from The Love of Ohan and Choemon
- Servants (奴) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Servants (奴) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Setsunosuke Matsugae (松ヶ枝節之助) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Shabbily-clothed woman (賤の女) from Monkey
- Shibagaki (母柴垣) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Shibaroku (猟師芝六) from The Teachings for Women
- Shichibei (北野屋) from The Sumo Wrestler's Banner
- Shichidayu (芝村七太夫) from A Chushingura's Subplot
- Shichirobei (庄屋七郎兵衛) from The Shiraishi Story
- Shichisuke, a cleark (七助 ) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Shichisuke, a farmer (百姓七助) from The Shiraishi Story
- Shichisuke, a servant (下男七介) from The Ancient Calendar
- Shichizaemon (豊島屋七左衛門) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Shigarami (腰元柵) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Shigarami (妻柵) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Shigemori, Son of Kiyomori (平重盛 (小松内府重盛)) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Shigenari (鱸重成) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Shigenoi (乳人重の井) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Shigetada (畠山重忠) from The Imprisoned Warrior
- Shigetada (秩父庄司重忠) from The Battle of Dannoura
- Shigetada Hatakeyama (畠山重忠) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Shigewaka (重若丸) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Shigeyuki (中納言重之卿) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Shigure (腰元時雨) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Shihei, Minister of the Left (左大臣時平 ) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Shihori, a young attendant to a courtesan (禿しほり) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Shikanai (奴鹿内) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Shikibu Kaigetsu (海月式部) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Shikitae (敷妙御前) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Shimagimi (島君) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Shin-emon (米屋新右衛門) from The Teachings for Women
- Shindosaemon (多々羅新洞左衛門) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Shingen Takeda (武田信玄) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Shingo Ishihara (石原新五) from The Gion Festival
- Shingo Sakurai (桜井新吾) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Shinobu (腰元信夫) from The Cherry Trees of the Imperial Palace
- Shinobu (腰元しのぶ) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Shinobu (娘信夫) from The Tales of Ise
- Shinobu, a maid (腰元信夫) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Shinsaku (新作) from The Gion Festival
- Shinshichi Shundo (春藤新七) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Shinzaemon (古郡新左衛門) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Shinzaemon (勝田新左衛門) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Shinzaemon (古郡新左衛門) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Shinzaemon Inoue, in fact Dosan Saito (井上新左衛門 実は 斉藤道三) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Shioten (四王天田島頭 (百姓長兵衛実は四王天田島頭) (四王天但馬守)) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Shirabe (調姫) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Shiranui (白縫姫) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Shiratayu (親白太夫) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Shirayuri (白百合) from The Hunter and the Female Fox
- Shiro (天野四郎) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Shiro (瓜割四郎糺) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Shiro Fujisawa (藤沢四郎) from The Herculean Woman
- Shiro Wada (和田四郎) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Shishidayu (獅子太夫) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Shitobei, in fact Byoe (駕籠舁四斗兵衛実は和田兵衛秀盛) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Shizuka-Gozen (静御前) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Shizuma (和田志津馬) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Shizunokata, Shogun's mistress (愛妾賤の方) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Shobei's wife (城木屋女房 (庄兵衛女房)) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Shobei, Okoma's father (城木屋庄兵衛) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Shoemon (年行司庄右衛門) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Shogen Takigawa (滝川将監) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Shogoro, a farmer (百姓正五郎) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Shogunate official (本間六郎左衛門) from The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren
- Shohachi, a senior employee (手代庄八) from The Two Butterflies
- Shoji (信田庄司) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Shoji Yasuda, chief retainer (安田庄司) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Shoji's wife (庄司の妻) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Shokei (性慶阿闍梨) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Shonosuke, Buemon's son (伜庄之助) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Shundo Sukedayu (春藤助太夫) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Shunkan (俊寛僧都) from The Priest in Exile
- Shunkin (春琴) from The Story of Shunkin
- Shuntokumaru (高安俊徳丸) from The Crossroads of Gappo
- Shurinosuke (修理之介) from The Stuttering Painter
- Shutendoji (酒呑童子) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Soap bubble vendor (吹玉屋) from The Story of Priest Roben
- Sodehagi (袖萩) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Sogan (親宗岸) from A Tragic Love Triangle
- Sogi (宗祇坊) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Soheiji, a retainer of Takumi (堀口曾平次) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Sojobo (僧正坊) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Soldier 1 (兵士一) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Soldier 2 (兵士二) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Soldier 3 (兵士三) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Soldiers (軍兵) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Soldiers (雑兵) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Soldiers (軍兵) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Someginu, a warrior's wife (女房染衣) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Son (伜仙松) from The Shank's Mare along the Tokaido Highway
- Songoku (孫悟空) from Monkey
- Sono-no-kata (園生の方) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Sonobenosuke (花岡園部之介) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Sorobei (しっかり候兵衛 ) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Soroku (大黒屋宗六) from The Shiraishi Story
- Sosuke (請人惣助) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Sota, in fact Shichiro (猿嶋惣太実は淡路七郎) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Spy (忍び) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Spy (忍び) from The Young Cherry Tree
- Spy (忍び) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Spy (忍び) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Stone peddler (石売) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Stonecutter (石工) from Stone Flower
- Street entertainer (万歳) from The Ancient Calendar
- Street entertainer, in fact Abe's retainer (鳥刺し実は安倍の家来) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Street girl (夜鷹) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Street performers (節季候) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Suemune, a Heike clansman (長田太郎末宗) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Suenaka (大宰帥季仲) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Suganoi (妻菅の井) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Suganoya, Naiki's wife (内記妻菅の谷) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Sugimatsu (伜杉松) from The Teachings for Women
- Sugiomaru (杉王丸(舎人)) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Suika (すいか(すいくわ)) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Suikan (酔漢) from Botan doro (The Peony Lantern)
- Sukedayu's wife (助太夫妻) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Sukeemon (万屋助右衛門) from The Faithful Wife
- Sukehei (奴助平) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Sukekuni (助国) from The Travelling Butterflies
- Sukekuni (助国) from The Butterfly Couple in the Other World
- Suketaro Shundo (春藤助太郎) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Sukeyemon (番頭助右衛門) from The Tragedy of Love in Error
- Sukeyemon (手代助右衛門) from The Ancient Calendar
- Supervisor of courtesans (花車) from The Courier for Hell
- Suruga (駿河次郎) from The Subscription List
- Sutemaru (Shunten, later known as Sutemaru) (舜天丸後に舜天王) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Suzuki (召使鈴木) from Madame Butterfly
- Tachibana (橘姫) from The Teachings for Women
- Tadamitsu, a Heike clansman (Kazusa Goro) (上総五郎忠光) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Tadamori (平忠盛) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Tadanobu Sato (佐藤忠信 (佐藤四郎兵衛忠信)) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Tadanori (薩摩守忠度) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Tadayoshi (足利直義) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Tagohei (太五平) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Tahei (甥太兵衛) from The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo
- Tahei (河内屋太兵衛) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Tahei (江戸屋太兵衛) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Tahei (江戸屋太兵衛) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Taichiro, Kinai's grandson (太市郎) from The Loyal Samurai
- Taikobo (太公望) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Takada, a lady in waiting (高田の局) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Takaemon (代官鵜の目鷹右衛門) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Takakage (小梅川隆景) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Takama (高間太郎原鑑) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Takao's ghost (高尾の亡霊) from The Story of Kasane
- Takatsuna (佐々木高綱 (佐々木四郎左衛門高綱)) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Takatsuna Sasaki (佐々木高綱) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Takekuni (県の権正武国) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Takemaro (竹麿) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Takemaru (稚児竹丸) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Takematsu (伜竹松) from The Young Cherry Tree
- Takezawa (竹沢監物秀時) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Takihei, a servant (郎党滝平) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Takita Iwashiro (岩代多喜太) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Takumi (京極内匠) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Takunai (宅内) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Takunai (奴宅内) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Takunai, a servant (奴宅内) from The Pines on Mount Hibari
- Tama (下女玉) from The Ancient Calendar
- Tama, a maid (仲居たま) from The Courier for Hell
- Tamahashi (玉橋の局) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Tamanoichi (玉の市) from The Three Blind Masseurs
- Tamaori (玉織姫) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Tamate-Gozen (玉手御前) from The Crossroads of Gappo
- Tamatsuyu (玉露) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Tametomo (鎮西八郎為朝) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Tameyori (為頼) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Tampei Hiraoka (平岡丹平) from The Two Butterflies
- Tanbei, a monkey trainer (猿廻の丹兵衛) from The Loyal Samurai
- Taneichi (父種吉) from The Disinherited Son
- Tanemon Sasaki (佐々木丹右衛門) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Tanigoro (金江谷五郎) from The Shiraishi Story
- Tankai (藤原淡海) from The Teachings for Women
- Tankai Kasahara (笠原湛海) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Tansuke (家来丹介) from The Shiraishi Story
- Tanuki (狸) from The Story of Monsters
- Tanzo Inui (乾丹蔵) from The Gion Festival
- Tanzo Irie (入江丹蔵) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Taro (監物太郎) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Taro (左近太郎) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Taro (小由留木太郎) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Taro (侍従太郎) from The Cherry Trees of the Imperial Palace
- Taro Genjo (玄上太郎) from The Teachings for Women
- Taro Kawagoe (川越太郎 (鎌倉の使者川越太郎重頼 )) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Taro Ota (太田太郎) from The Pregnant Mountain Ogress (Heroine)
- Taro Sukune (宿禰太郎) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Tarobei (郎党障子破りの太郎兵衛) from The Rat's Romance
- Tarobei (親(油屋)太郎兵衛) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Tarobei (太郎兵衛) from The Greengrocer's Tragedy
- Tarokaja (太郎冠者) from Fishing for Wives
- Tarokichi, Koman's son (伜太郎吉) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Tarosaku, a messanger (歩き太郎作) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Tarozaemon (井筒屋太郎左衛門) from The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi
- Taruhiko (酒辺の樽彦 ) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Tasaburo (伜多三郎) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Tasuke (駕籠舁太助) from The Two Butterflies
- Tatsuta-no-mae (立田前) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Tayu (太夫) from The Street Entertainers
- Tayu (太夫) from The Celebration of Housing Starts
- Tayu (太夫) from The Dances of the Four Seasons
- Tazaemon (手代太左衛門) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Tazaemon (太左衛門) from The Red-Hot Love of the Greengrocer's Daughter
- Tea House Maid (仲居) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Tea house guest (泊り客) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Tea house madam (花車) from The Double Suicide at Ikudama
- Tea house maids (仲居) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Tea house proprietor (揚屋亭主) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Tea house proprietor (大重の亭主) from The Murder in Revenge
- Tea house proprietor (一力亭主) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Tea stall proprietor (茶店亭主) from The Shiraishi Story
- Tea stall proprietor (茶店の亭主) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Tea stall proprietor (茶店亭主) from The Two Butterflies
- Tea stall proprietress (茶店の嬶) from The Miracle at the Tsubosaka Kannon Temple
- Temmaya proprietor (天満屋亭主 ) from The Love Suicides at Sonezaki
- Tenrankei (唐使天蘭敬) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Tenzen (代官川島典膳) from The Tales of Ise
- Teremen (医者竹林テレメン) from Monkey
- Teriha (妻照葉) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Teruha, a maid (腰元照葉) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Terukuni (判官代輝国) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Terutora Nagao (長尾輝虎) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Teruwaka (輝若君) from The Gion Festival
- Tetsugatake (鉄ヶ嶽) from The Sumo Wrestler's Banner
- The Inari God (老翁実は稲荷明神) from Kokaji the Swordsmith
- Tiger (虎) from The Dragon and the Tiger
- Tiny monkeys (小猿) from Monkey
- Tobei (朝日奈藤兵衛) from The Maiden's Colorful Fan
- Toda (藤太) from Omon Toda
- Toda Hayami (逸見藤太(土佐坊の郎党逸見の藤太)) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Togakushibo (天狗戸隠坊) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Togashi (富樫左衛門 (富樫之介正広)) from The Subscription List
- Toji (落合藤治) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Tojibei (弦掛の藤治兵衛) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Tojibei (弦掛の藤治兵衛) from The Amorous Courier
- Tokichi Konoshita (木下藤吉) from The Young Cherry Tree
- Tokichi, later known as Hisayoshi (此下東吉後に真柴久吉) from The Gion Festival
- Tokihime (北條時姫) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Tokihime (北条時姫) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Tokihime, in fact Suminoe (北条時姫実は住之江) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Tokijiro Kasuga (春日時次郎) from Tragedy on a Snowy Night
- Tokimasa (北條時政) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Tokimasa (北條時政) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Tokimasa Hojo (北条時政) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Tokimasa's double (贋時政) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Tokitada (平時忠) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Tokizumi (武者所時澄) from The Ridge Pole of the Sanjusangendo Temple
- Tokoro no Nyobo (所の女房) from Sansho Dayu
- Tokubei (紺屋徳兵衛) from The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa
- Tokubei (平野屋(手代)徳兵衛) from The Love Suicides at Sonezaki
- Tokubei (一寸徳兵衛) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Tokubei (河内屋徳兵衛) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Tokuemon (親徳右衛門) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Tokuemon Ebisuya (戎屋徳右衛門) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Tokujiro (徳次郎) from The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō
- Tokujumaru (徳寿丸) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Tokujumaru's wet nurse (徳寿丸の乳母 ) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Tokunoichi (徳の市) from The Three Blind Masseurs
- Tokutayu (Tokudayu) (祖父徳太夫) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Tokuwaka, a street entertaier (万歳徳若) from The Loyal Samurai
- Tokuzo, Village headman (庄屋徳蔵) from The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren
- Toma (忍び当馬) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Toma (渋川藤馬) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Toma Ochiai (落合藤馬) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Tomeko (おちょぼとめ子) from The Disinherited Son
- Tomizo, a boatman (船頭富蔵) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Tomochiyo (友千代) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Tomochiyo's wet nurse (友千代の乳母) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Tomoe-Gozen (巴御前) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Tomohei (若党友平) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Tomoishi (伜友石) from Akogi Bay in Ise Province
- Tomokata (下司次郎友方) from The Priest in Exile
- Tomokata Fujiwara (藤原朝方) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Tomozo (文字屋友三) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Tompachi (幇間とん八) from The Story of Shunkin
- Tonami (女房戸浪) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Tonase (妻(母)戸無瀬) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Tonbei (渡し守頓兵衛) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Torajiro, Osai's son (伜虎次郎) from Gonza the Lancer
- Torazo, in fact Ushiwakamaru (奴虎蔵実は牛若丸) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Toroku (藤六) from The Teachings for Women
- Tosanobo (土佐坊正尊) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Toshichi, in fact Saizaburo Obana (髪結藤七実は尾花才三郎) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Tosuke, a farmer (百姓戸助) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Tota, in fact Tagohei (醒ヶ井藤太 実は 太五平) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Townsman (里人) from Monkey
- Townspeople (町衆) from The Love Suicides at Sonezaki
- Toyonari (父豊成卿) from The Pines on Mount Hibari
- Tozaburo, in fact Takatsuna (安達藤三郎実は高綱 (藤三郎実は佐々木高綱)) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Tozo (春風藤蔵) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Transport manager (宰領) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Traveler on horseback (馬上の旅人) from The Fiftieth Death Anniversary
- Traveling priest (高野聖) from The Go Game Strategy
- Traveller (旅の男) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Tsubute-no-san (礫の三) from The Gion Festival
- Tsuchimatsu (槌松) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Tsukasa (司姫) from The Pine Tree on the River Bank
- Tsukuba-Gozen (筑波御前) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Tsukudaya Kizo (佃屋喜蔵) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Tsumahei (奴妻平) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Tsuna Watanabe (渡辺源吾綱) from The Ogress of Mt. Oe
- Tsuna Watanabe (渡辺源吾綱) from The Modoribashi Bridge
- Tsuna's aunt, in fact Ibarakidoji (綱の伯母実は茨木童子) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Tsunade, Heita's wife (平太妻綱手) from The Herculean Woman
- Tsunemori (平経盛) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Tsunetoshi, a Heike clansman (難波六郎常俊) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Tsuru (鶴) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Tsurukiyo (鶴喜代君) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Tsurutayu (万歳鶴太夫) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Udaemon (Utaemon) Kamura (加村宇田右衛門) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Ugenta (右源太) from The Ogress of Mt. Oe
- Ugenta (右源太) from The Modoribashi Bridge
- Ugly woman (醜女) from Fishing for Wives
- Ujitoki Hojo (北条氏時) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Ukifune (浮舟) from The Pines on Mount Hibari
- Ukihashi, in fact Omutsu (浮橋実は重太郎妹おむつ) from The Loyal Samurai
- Ukon (近習右近) from The Feudal Lord in Asama
- Ukon (右コン) from The Hunter and the Female Fox
- Umechiyo (稚児梅千代丸) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Umegawa (梅川) from The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway
- Umegawa (傾城(遊女, 槌屋) 梅川) from The Amorous Courier
- Umenoto (女房梅の戸) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Umeomaru (梅王丸(舎人)) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Umewakamaru (吉田梅若丸) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Umezu no In (梅津の院) from Sansho Dayu
- Umida, a vassal of the Shogun (眤近侍海田) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Umpachi Akaboshi (赤星運八) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Umpei (須股運平) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Unai (渋川右内) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Unchiku, an acolyte (弟子僧雲竹) from The Stone Monument of Glory
- Uneme (采女) from The Teachings for Women
- Unemenosuke (安倍采女之助) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Ungai (僧雲外) from Monkey
- Unoha, a maid (腰元卯の葉) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Unzo (信楽雲蔵) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Urabe-no-Suetake (占部季武) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Uraha, a warrior's wife (女房裏葉) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Urazato (女郎浦里) from Tragedy on a Snowy Night
- Urikohime (瓜子姫) from Urikohime and Amanjaku
- Usami (宇佐美) from The Battle of Kawanakajima
- Ushiwakamaru (牛若丸) from Kiichi's Book of Strategy
- Usui-no-Sadamitsu (碓井定光) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Usuyuki (薄雪姫) from The New Usuyuki Story
- Utakata (歌潟姫) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Utakata (歌潟姫) from The Story of Kasane
- Utakichi (芸妓歌吉) from The Story of Shunkin
- Utanosuke (雅楽之介 (狩野雅楽之助)) from The Stuttering Painter
- Utena (傾城臺) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Utsunomiya Kintsuna (宇都宮公綱) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- Village Girl (村娘) from Stone Flower
- Village headman (庄屋) from Stone Flower
- Village headman (庄屋さま) from The Red Battle Surcoat
- Village headman (真那古庄司) from The Cherry Trees Along the Hidaka River
- Village headman (庄屋) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Village headman (庄屋) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Waitress (仲居) from The Bloodshed at Ise
- Wakaba, a lady-in-waiting (若葉局) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Wakaba-no-Naishi (若葉の内侍) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Wakana, a maid (腰元若菜) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Wakana, in fact a demon (扇折娘若菜実は悪鬼) from The Ogress of Mt. Oe
- Wakana, in fact a demon (扇折娘若菜実は悪鬼) from The Modoribashi Bridge
- Wakasa (扇屋若狭) from Kumagai at the Fan Shop
- Wakasanosuke (桃井若狭助) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Wakasanosuke Momonoi (桃井若狭之助) from A Supplement to Chushingura
- Wanzu (王子) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Warlord (大名) from Fishing for Wives
- Wasuke Kayano (萱野和助) from A Chushingura's Subplot
- Watanabe-no-Tsuna (渡辺綱) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Watchman (番太) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Watonai (和藤内) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Watonai's mother (和藤内母) from The Battle of Coxinga
- Wheat harvester (farmer) (麦苅男) from The Old Tale of Kusunoki
- White-robed priest (白衣の行人) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Widow (Courtesan, in fact widow) (旅の遊女実は八丁礫喜平治後家) from Kajiwara The Swordsman
- Wife 1 (女房一) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Wife 2 (女房二) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Wife 3 (女房三) from Onna no heiwa (Lysistrata)
- Wife of Hanabishiya's proprietor (花菱屋女房) from Kagekiyo and His Daughter
- Wife of the Kasaneizutsu proprietor (重井筒の内儀) from The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa
- Wodden lunch box maker's wife (折箱屋女房) from The Disinherited Son
- Woman fulling cloth (砧の女) from The Fulling Block and the Bonfire
- Woodcutter (樵夫) from Subjugation of Ogres on Mt. Oe
- Yachuta (鈴木弥忠太) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Yae, Sakuramaru's wife (女房八重) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Yaegaki (八重垣姫) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Yaegiri (荻野屋八重桐) from The Pregnant Mountain Ogress (Heroine)
- Yaehata (義家妹八重幡姫) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Yagoro (刷毛の弥五郎) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Yagoro (千崎弥五郎) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Yagoro (土肥弥五郎) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Yahachi (めっぽう弥八) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Yahei (香具屋弥兵衛) from The Inauspicious Sword
- Yahei (Nohei) (野平) from The Teachings for Women
- Yaheiji (Happeiji) Washizuka (鷲塚八平次) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Yaichi (仲買弥市) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Yajirobe (弥次郎兵衛) from The Shank's Mare along the Tokaido Highway
- Yakambei (奴野干平) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Yakushiji (薬師寺次郎左衛門) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Yamabuki-Gozen (山吹御前) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Yamadori (ならず者山鳥) from Madame Butterfly
- Yamahagi, a maid (腰元山萩) from Tametomo The Archer General
- Yamaoka Dayu (山岡太夫) from Sansho Dayu
- Yamasaburo (浦辺山三郎) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Yamashironosuke (直江山城之助) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Yappachi (やっ八(八作)) from The Dancing Mushrooms
- Yariume (妻やり梅) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Yasaburo (衣川弥三郎) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Yasaku (丁稚弥作) from The Red-Hot Love of the Greengrocer's Daughter
- Yasaku, a farmer (百姓弥作) from A Chushingura's Subplot
- Yasamatsu (一子弥三松) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Yasazaemon (衣川弥三左衛門) from The Vow of Rokusuke
- Yasazaemon Honda (本田弥三左衛門) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Yashamaru (夜叉丸) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Yashio (八汐) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Yasota, a messanger (郎党弥惣太) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Yasubei (荷持安兵衛) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Yasubei (織部安兵衛) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Yasuke, in fact Koremori (弥助実は平維盛) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Yasuna (安倍保名) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Yasuna's son (安倍童子) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Yasunari (安倍泰成) from The Nine-Tailed Fox
- Yasunori Kamo's widow (加茂の後室) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Yasuyori (平判官康頼) from The Priest in Exile
- Yasuzaemon (安左衛門 ) from The Story of Shunkin
- Yatoda Tsutsumi (堤弥藤太) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Yatoji (荒巻弥藤次) from The Teachings for Women
- Yatoji Tsutsumi (代官堤弥藤次) from The Love-Inspired Murder
- Yatsuhashi (腰元八つ橋) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Yazaemon (すしや(親)弥左衛門) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Yazaemon's wife (弥左衛門女房) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Yazo (はねわなの弥蔵(弥次)) from The Twins and the Sumida River
- Yodarekuri, a naughty boy (よだれくり) from Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy
- Yoemon, in fact Tanizo Kinugawa (与右衛門 実は 絹川谷蔵) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Yogoro Yamazaki (山崎与五郎) from The Two Butterflies
- Yohei (河内屋与兵衛) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Yohei (与兵衛) from The Grateful Cormorant
- Yoichi Asari (浅利与市) from The Herculean Woman
- Yoichibei (百姓与市兵衛) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Yoichibei's wife (与市兵衛女房) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Yojibei Yamazaki (山崎与次兵衛) from The Two Butterflies
- Yojiro (猿廻し与次郎) from Oshun and Dembei
- Yojiro's mother (与次郎の母) from Oshun and Dembei
- Yokambei (奴与勘平) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Yokoshiba (執事横芝) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Yokozo, Kansuke Yamamoto II (横蔵 後に 山本勘助) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Yomosaku (百姓与茂作) from The Pine Tree on the River Bank
- Yomosaku (百姓与茂作) from The Shiraishi Story
- Yomoshichi (佐藤与茂七) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Yonokichi (百姓与之吉) from The Story of Kasane
- Yonokichi (百姓与之吉) from The Trouble in the Date Household
- Yonosuke (伜与之助) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Yorimitsu (源頼光) from Mt. Oeyama
- Yoroku (与六) from The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags
- Yosabei Date (伊達与三兵衛) from The Two-Colored Reins
- Yoshichi (与七) from Ohan
- Yoshifuru (小野好古) from The White Fox of Shinoda
- Yoshiharu, the Shogun (将軍義晴) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Yoshihiro (大内之助義弘) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Yoshihiro Ouchi (大内冠者義弘) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Yoshihiro's wife (大内の御台) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Yoshiie (八幡太郎義家) from The Adachi Plain in Oshu
- Yoshikata, a Genji general (木曾先生義賢) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Yoshikiyo Murakami (村上義清) from The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons
- Yoshimatsu (伜芳松) from The League of the 47 Ronin
- Yoshimine (新田小太郎義岑) from The Yaguchi Ferry
- Yoshimori Wada (和田義盛) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Yoshinaka Kiso (木曽義仲(朝日将軍義仲)) from The Battles of Genji and Heike
- Yoshinari Mori (森三左衛門義成) from Masakiyo's Loyalty
- Yoshioki Ouchi (大内之助義興) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Yoshiteru (足利義輝) from The Gion Festival
- Yoshitoki (北條義時) from The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns
- Yoshitsune Minamoto (源義経(九郎判官源義経)) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Yoshitsune Minamoto (源義経) from The Battle of Ichinotani
- Yoshitsune Minamoto (源義経) from The Subscription List
- Yosobei Akayama (赤山与三兵衛) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Young Man (若い者) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Young sparrow (子雀) from The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
- Youngsters (若中) from The Summer Festival at Naniwa
- Yozaemon (与左衛門) from The Grateful Cormorant
- Yozaemon's wife (与左衛門女房) from The Grateful Cormorant
- Yugiri (夕霧) from The Courtesan Yugiri
- Yugiri (扇屋夕霧) from The Romance in the Gay Quarters
- Yukaemon (磯部床右衛門) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Yukie (和田行家) from The Vendetta in Iga
- Yukihime (雪姫) from The Gion Festival
- Yukimune, Imperial messenger (勅使葛城の行宗) from The Story of Manda Ponds
- Yukinoya (妻雪の谷) from The Tycoon's Exploit
- Yukinushi (中納言行主) from The Teachings for Women
- Yukionna (雪女) from The Story of Monsters
- Yukitsuna, a Genji warrior (多田蔵人行綱) from The Nunobiki Waterfall
- Yuminosuke Akizuki (秋月弓之助) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Yura (妹ゆら) from The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa
- Yuranosuke (大星由良之介) from The Go Game Strategy
- Yuranosuke's mother (由良之介母) from The Go Game Strategy
- Yuranosuke's wife (由良之介妻) from The Go Game Strategy
- Yurimaru (百合丸) from Stone Flower
- Yusen (萩の祐仙) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Yushide (娘ゆうしで) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Yuzo Uriu (瓜生勇蔵) from The Story of the Morning Glory
- Zembei (皆朱の善兵衛) from The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil
- Zembei (爺善兵衛) from The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
- Zenbei, a candle dealer (蝋燭屋善兵衛) from The Battle of Sakamoto Castle
- Zenkyo Sue (陶全姜) from The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi
- Zenroku (五貫屋善六) from The Love Suicides at Amijima
- Zenroku (番頭善六) from The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu
- Zenroku (五貫屋善六) from The Love Suicide at Amijima
- Zenroku, a merchant (鷲の善六) from The Color Prints of Kagamiyama
- Zenta, Gonta's son (権太伜善太) from Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees
- Zesai (小西是斎) from The Gion Festival
- Zushio (厨子王丸) from Sansho Dayu
- Zushio (づし王丸) from The Cruel Employer
- Zusho (桟図書) from The Crossroads of Gappo
- Ōboshi Yuranosuke (大星由良助) from The League of the 47 Ronin