Performers > Yoshida Tamase
Yoshida Tamase
- April 2002: Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy (puppeteer)
- February 1993: The Love Suicides at Amijima (puppeteer)
- September 1993: The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi (puppeteer)
- August 1994: The Story of the Morning Glory (puppeteer)
- September 1995: The Sumo Wrestler's Banner (puppeteer)
- January 1996: The Amorous Courier (puppeteer)
- July 1996: The Bloodshed at Ise (puppeteer)
- February 1997: The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa (puppeteer)
- April 1998: The New Usuyuki Story (puppeteer)
- July/August 2001: The Summer Festival at Naniwa (puppeteer)
- July/August 2002: The Tongue-Cut Sparrow (puppeteer)
- May 1992: The Story of Priest Roben (puppeteer)