Plays > The White Fox of Shinoda
The White Fox of Shinoda
(芦屋道満大内鑑) (Ashiya Dōman ōuchi kagami)
Written By: Takeda Izumo, I (竹田出雲)
- April 2001: The White Fox of Shinoda
- October 1975: The White Fox of Shinoda
- May 1976: The White Fox of Shinoda
- August 1984: The White Fox of Shinoda
- September 1984: The White Fox of Shinoda
- September 1994: The White Fox of Shinoda
- April 1996: The White Fox of Shinoda
- October 1970: The White Fox of Shinoda
- Genta (源太)
- Kiichi (鬼一)
- Baba (婆)
- Musume (娘)
- Koyaku (子役)
- Hagataki (端敵)
- Otoko koyaku (男子役)
- Shūto (sewa) (舅(世話))
- Baba (jidai) (婆(時代))
- Hayaku (端役)
- Kodanshichi (小団七)
- Darasuke (陀羅助)
- Yokanbei (与勘平)
- Kuchiaki Bunshichi (口あき文七)
- Kōmei (孔明)
- Toraō (虎王)
- Kenbishi (検非違使)
- Yashio (八汐)
- Oniwaka (鬼若)
- Fukeoyama (老女形)
- Shūto (舅)
- Crown Prince Sakuragi (桜木親王)
- Motokata (左大将元方)
- Yoshifuru (小野好古)
- Sakaki (榊の前)
- Jibu (岩倉治部大輔)
- Taro (左近太郎)
- Yasunori Kamo's widow (加茂の後室)
- Heima (乾平馬)
- Yasuna (安倍保名)
- Yokambei (奴与勘平)
- Kuzunoha (葛の葉姫)
- Akuemon (石川悪右衛門)
- Fox-Kuzunoha (女房葛の葉)
- Yasuna's son (安倍童子)
- Dampachi (木綿買実は荏柄段八)
- Shoji (信田庄司)
- Shoji's wife (庄司の妻)
- Unzo (信楽雲蔵)
- Toji (落合藤治)
- Yakambei (奴野干平)
- Saeda (腰元小枝)
- Akuemon's followers (組子)
- Ladies-in-waiting (腰元)