Plays > The Trouble in the Date Household
The Trouble in the Date Household
(伽羅先代萩) (Meiboku sendaihagi)
Written By: Matsu Kanshi (松貫四) , Takahashi Buhei (高橋武兵衛) , Yoshida Kakumaru (吉田角丸)
- January 1996: The Trouble in the Date Household
- February 1973 Tour: The Trouble in the Date Household
- October 1974: The Trouble in the Date Household
- June 1977: The Trouble in the Date Household
- December 1977: The Trouble in the Date Household
- January 1980: The Trouble in the Date Household
- March 1988: The Trouble in the Date Household
- October 1991: The Trouble in the Date Household
- December 1990: The Trouble in the Date Household
- September 1972: The Trouble in the Date Household
- Yashio (八汐)
- Otoko koyaku (男子役)
- Fukeoyama (老女形)
- Hagataki (端敵)
- Gabu (kasane) (累のガブ)
- Sanmaime (三枚目)
- Hayaku (端役)
- Kenbishi (検非違使)
- Kodanshichi (小団七)
- Musume (娘)
- Koyaku (子役)
- Kintoki (金時)
- Kuchiaki Bunshichi (口あき文七)
- Masaoka (乳人政岡)
- Tsurukiyo (鶴喜代君)
- Senmatsu (千松)
- Yashio (八汐)
- Okinoi (沖の井)
- Komaki (小巻)
- Secret agent (忍び)
- Lady Sakae (栄御前)
- Setsunosuke Matsugae (松ヶ枝節之助)
- Kageyu Kaita (Kaida) (貝田勘解由)
- Kasane (累)
- Yoemon, in fact Tanizo Kinugawa (与右衛門 実は 絹川谷蔵)
- Yonokichi (百姓与之吉)
- Okoma (お駒)
- Brothel owner (花扇屋亭主)
- Kingoro (金五郎)
- Utakata (歌潟姫)
- Sabu (豆腐屋三婦)