Plays > The Story of the Morning Glory
The Story of the Morning Glory
(生写朝顔話) (Shōutsushi asagao banashi)
Written By: Yamada Kakashi (山田案山子)
- September 1998: The Story of the Morning Glory
- May 1978: The Story of the Morning Glory
- July 1979: The Story of the Morning Glory
- September 1983: The Story of the Morning Glory
- June 1984: The Story of the Morning Glory
- July 1989: The Story of the Morning Glory
- May 1990: The Story of the Morning Glory
- August 1994: The Story of the Morning Glory
- May 1995: The Story of the Morning Glory
- July 1972: The Story of the Morning Glory
- Yūsen (祐仙)
- Ofuku (お福)
- Musume (娘)
- Hayaku (端役)
- Darasuke (陀羅助)
- Masamune (正宗)
- Nemuri no musume (ねむりの娘)
- Kenbishi (検非違使)
- Kintoki (金時)
- Kiichi (鬼一)
- Bakuya (莫耶)
- Yokanbei (与勘平)
- Hagataki (端敵)
- Genta (源太)
- Sadanoshin (定之進)
- Fukeoyama (老女形)
- Kodanshichi (小団七)
- Tsume (つめ)
- Hanaugoki (鼻動き)
- Kōmei (孔明)
- Decchi (丁稚)
- Onna koyaku (女子役)
- Keisei (傾城)
- Otoko tsume (男つめ)
- Sanmaime (三枚目)
- Sono-no-kata (園生の方)
- Gemba Yamaoka (山岡玄蕃之允)
- Ryoan Komazawa (駒沢了庵)
- Tamahashi (玉橋の局)
- Umpachi Akaboshi (赤星運八)
- Yashamaru (夜叉丸)
- Nisaburo, in fact Haruji Komazawa (浮洲の仁三郎実は駒沢春次)
- Asojiro Miyagi, later known as Jirozaemon Komazawa (宮城阿曾次郎後に駒澤次郎左衛門)
- Priest Gesshin (僧月心)
- Miyuki (秋月娘深雪)
- Asaka (乳母浅香)
- Hanzo Abusaka (浪人虻坂半蔵)
- Heinai Iwabuchi (浪人岩淵平内)
- Shikanai (奴鹿内)
- Boatman at Ujigawa (宇治川の船頭)
- Keian Tachibana (立花桂庵)
- Oyoshi (茶店のお由)
- Yusen (萩の祐仙)
- Sekisuke (奴関助)
- Misao (秋月妻操)
- Rin (下女りん)
- Yuminosuke Akizuki (秋月弓之助)
- Yuzo Uriu (瓜生勇蔵)
- Boatman at Akashi (明石の船頭)
- Saeda, a lady-in-waiting (腰元早枝)
- Kaede, a lady-in-waiting (腰元楓)
- Old man of Kimura village (木村の親仁)
- Gonshichi (悪者権七)
- Kanta (悪者勘太)
- Aratae (老女荒妙)
- Chisato, in fact Kikuhime (千里実は大友菊姫)
- Sarusuberi (かんまち猿辷り)
- Dohachi (山蛭洞八)
- Ninzaemon, proprietor of the tea house at Oiso (亭主仁左衛門)
- Little girl (小娘)
- Kichibei (輪抜吉兵衛)
- Ronin (浪人)
- Tokuemon Ebisuya (戎屋徳右衛門)
- Asagao, in fact Miyuki (朝顔実は深雪)
- Onabe, a maid (下女お鍋)
- Omatsu, a maid (下女おまつ)
- Matsubei, a clerk (手代松兵衛)
- Takita Iwashiro (岩代多喜太)
- Yoshioki Ouchi (大内之助義興)
- Segawa, a courtesan (傾城瀬川)
- Osaka, a courtesan (傾城逢坂)
- Choyama, a courtesan (傾城蝶山)
- Shihori, a young attendant to a courtesan (禿しほり)
- Junzo Asai (浅井順蔵)
- Kyuzo Mase (笆久蔵)
- Koyoshi (下女小よし)
- Retainers (手下)
- Tea House Maid (仲居)
- Attendants to a lord (捕手)
- Pilgrims on their way to a temple (参詣人)
- Children (里の童)
- Men carrying passengers across a river (川越人足)