Plays > The League of the 47 Ronin
The League of the 47 Ronin
(仮名手本忠臣蔵) (Kanadehon Chūshingura)
Written By: Takeda Izumo, II (竹田出雲) , Miyoshi Shōraku (三好松洛) , Namiki Senryū (See also Namiki Namiki Sōsuke) (並木千柳)
- December 1998: The League of the 47 Ronin
- October 1972: The League of the 47 Ronin
- April 1975: The League of the 47 Ronin
- July 1976: The League of the 47 Ronin
- December 1976: The League of the 47 Ronin
- September 1978: The League of the 47 Ronin
- October 1980: The League of the 47 Ronin
- December 1981: The League of the 47 Ronin
- December 1988: The League of the 47 Ronin
- November 1977: The League of the 47 Ronin
- November 1994: The League of the 47 Ronin
- December 1997: The League of the 47 Ronin
- November 1998: The League of the 47 Ronin
- January 1985: The League of the 47 Ronin
- Ōshūto (大舅)
- Kenbishi (検非違使)
- Genta (源太)
- Fukeoyama (老女形)
- Kiichi (鬼一)
- Sanmaime (三枚目)
- Decchi (丁稚)
- Musume (娘)
- Wakaotoko (若男)
- Toraō (虎王)
- Kōmei (孔明)
- Darasuke (陀羅助)
- Bunshichi (文七)
- Baba (婆)
- Hayaku (端役)
- Ofuku (お福)
- Onoemon (斧右衛門)
- Bannai (伴内)
- Takeuji (武氏)
- Yūsen (祐仙)
- Matahei (又平)
- Tsume (つめ)
- Shūto (sewa) (舅(世話))
- Hagataki (端敵)
- Otoko tsume (男つめ)
- Shūto (舅)
- Kodanshichi (小団七)
- Koyaku (子役)
- Tadayoshi (足利直義)
- Moronao (高師直)
- Hangan (塩谷判官)
- Wakasanosuke (桃井若狭助)
- Kaoyo (顔世御前)
- Bannai (鷺坂伴内)
- Honzo (加古川本蔵)
- Kampei (早野勘平)
- Okaru (腰元(遊女,女房, 娘)おかる)
- Chinsai (茶道珍才)
- Rikiya (大星力弥)
- Goemon (原郷右衛門)
- Kudayu (斧九太夫)
- Ishido (石堂右馬丞)
- Yakushiji (薬師寺次郎左衛門)
- Ōboshi Yuranosuke (大星由良助)
- Yagoro (千崎弥五郎)
- Yoichibei (百姓与市兵衛)
- Sadakuro (斧定九郎)
- Yoichibei's wife (与市兵衛女房)
- Saibei (一文字屋才兵衛)
- Yahachi (めっぽう弥八)
- Roku (種ヶ島の六)
- Kakubei (狸の角兵衛)
- Tea house proprietor (一力亭主)
- Jutaro (矢間十太郎)
- Kitahachi (竹森喜太八)
- Heiemon (寺岡平右衛門)
- Yasubei (織部安兵衛)
- Yomoshichi (佐藤与茂七)
- Bungo (大鷲文吾)
- Matanojo (小汐田又之丞)
- Konami (娘小浪)
- Tonase (妻(母)戸無瀬)
- Rin, a maid (下女りん)
- Oishi (妻お石)
- Tea house maids (仲居)
- Jester (太鼓持)
- Feudal lords (大名)
- Sekinai (奴関内)
- Kanai (奴可内)
- Palanquin bearers (駕屋)
- Shinzaemon (勝田新左衛門)
- Isuke (前原伊助)
- Gihei (天河屋義平)
- Yoshimatsu (伜芳松)
- Osono (女房おその)
- Servants (仕丁)
- Retainers (奴)
- Minor officials (諸士)
- Maids (腰元)