Plays > The Battle of Ichinotani
The Battle of Ichinotani
(一谷嫩軍記) (Ichinotani futaba gunki)
Written By: Namiki Sōsuke (See also Namiki Senryū) (並木宗輔) , Asada Icchō (浅田一鳥) , Namioka Geiji (浪岡鯨児) , Namiki Shōzō (並木正三) , Naniwa Sanzō (難波三蔵) , Toyotake Jinroku (豊竹甚六)
- June 1986 Bunraku Kanshō Kyōshitsu: The Battle of Ichinotani
- May 1969: The Battle of Ichinotani
- September 1971: The Battle of Ichinotani
- January 1972: The Battle of Ichinotani
- June 1974: The Battle of Ichinotani
- January 1975: The Battle of Ichinotani
- February 1975: The Battle of Ichinotani
- May 1979: The Battle of Ichinotani
- January 1980: The Battle of Ichinotani
- July 1980 Tour: The Battle of Ichinotani
- January 1984: The Battle of Ichinotani
- December 1985: The Battle of Ichinotani
- January 1987: The Battle of Ichinotani
- July 1991: The Battle of Ichinotani
- May 1992: The Battle of Ichinotani
- January 1997: The Battle of Ichinotani
- November 1964: The Battle of Ichinotani
- Kodanshichi (小団七)
- Bunshichi (文七)
- Wakaotoko (若男)
- Musume (娘)
- Fukeoyama (老女形)
- Hagataki (端敵)
- Hanaugoki (鼻動き)
- Matahei (又平)
- Genta (源太)
- Kintoki (金時)
- Kiichi (鬼一)
- Kuchiaki Bunshichi (口あき文七)
- Kōmei (孔明)
- Baba (婆)
- Darasuke (陀羅助)
- Sanmaime (三枚目)
- Ofuku (お福)
- Koyaku (子役)
- Kenbishi (検非違使)
- Hayaku (端役)
- Darasuke (jidai) (陀羅助(時代))
- Onna koyaku (女子役)
- Tamaori (玉織姫)
- Hirayama (平山武者所)
- Atsumori, in fact Kojiro (敦盛実は熊谷小次郎直家)
- Kumagai (熊谷次郎直実)
- Atsumori in the distance (遠見の敦盛)
- Kumagai in the distance (遠見の熊谷)
- Midaroku, in fact Munekiyo (石屋弥陀六実は弥平兵衛宗清)
- Koyuki (娘小雪)
- Fuji-no-tsubone (藤の局(藤の方))
- Chuta (番場忠太)
- Umpei (須股運平)
- Magosaku (庄屋孫作)
- Sagami (妻相模)
- Gunji (堤軍次)
- Kajiwara (梶原平次景高)
- Yoshitsune Minamoto (源義経)
- Tokitada (平時忠)
- Kikunomae (菊の前)
- Rokuyata (岡部六弥太忠澄)
- Uraha, a warrior's wife (女房裏葉)
- Makinoo, a warrior's wife (女房槙の尾)
- Someginu, a warrior's wife (女房染衣)
- Tsunemori (平経盛)
- Gemba (大館玄蕃)
- Goro (成田五郎)
- Hayashi (乳母林)
- Tadanori (薩摩守忠度)
- Tagohei (太五平)
- Mojibei (茂次兵衛)
- Oiwa (女房お岩)
- Hatsushimo (初霜姫)
- Unoha, a maid (腰元卯の葉)
- Sekiya, a maid (腰元関屋)
- Suganoi (妻菅の井)
- Nadeshiko (撫子姫)
- Umenoto (女房梅の戸)
- Taro (小由留木太郎)
- Atsumori (無官大夫敦盛)
- Tota, in fact Tagohei (醒ヶ井藤太 実は 太五平)
- Farmers (百姓)
- Soldiers (軍兵)