Building skills

My hope for this project is that it will present us a hands-on, practical survey of many of the tools and techniques that might be involved in working on digital projects with our users. This could be anyone from an undergraduate seeking to incorporate media elements into their paper, to a graduate student perhaps working with digital tools and datasets in their research, to faculty developing a long-term digital project on the web. I also include librarians in our user group. There are many potential applications for us to use these tools to develop digital projects and services that can benefit our users.

Nick Patterson

Author: Nick Patterson

I’m a music librarian in the Music & Arts Library, and also manage the Digital Music Lab there. I am a graduate in Composition from New England Conservatory, and still active as a composer. I have strong interests in the intersection of music and technology, the history of electronic music, and sound in the digital humanities. New York’s, and Columbia’s, musical riches mean that I will probably never leave this city. I’ll be looking at the impact of the development of the subway on Morningside Heights (and trying to include recordings of screeching trains!)