Git down with Git! or perhaps "Git Down, Stay Down"?

My 4 things of note from today’s session on Git and GitHub:

  • Git is the desktop app (local) and GitHub is the web site (service; shared repository)

  • using the command-line version of Git (in the shell) allows for functionality which is not offered by the GUI app version

  • “Rollback” does not retain a copy of the changes FROM WHICH you are rolling back - you need to create a copy, if you want to retain that version

  • Cloning in Desktop - this allows you to pull down a repository from GitHub. However, you will need to be authorized by the owner, in order to collaborate and make edits. You can “fork” the project, if you want to take control of a copy of the repository, as your own project (although, you’ll no longer be linked to and participating in the original source repository as a collaborator)

Nick Patterson

Author: Nick Patterson

I’m a music librarian in the Music & Arts Library, and also manage the Digital Music Lab there. I am a graduate in Composition from New England Conservatory, and still active as a composer. I have strong interests in the intersection of music and technology, the history of electronic music, and sound in the digital humanities. New York’s, and Columbia’s, musical riches mean that I will probably never leave this city. I’ll be looking at the impact of the development of the subway on Morningside Heights (and trying to include recordings of screeching trains!)